
“Sex has almost become a plan B”

WORLD: Today people seem to be more concerned with controlling desire than fueling it. What's so menacing about lust?Hell: She always catches us when...

"To be free was a crime"

In Russia, “dark times” have begun again”: this sentence ends an article written by Lyudmila Ulitzkaja in January 2022, five weeks before the beginning...

When the criticism of capitalism comes from capitalists

lu pel Butlllh lpl ple Beulpe teluelnp olupeu (lek peklelle Oephlell uuleu) utl leekl lletteup: Blue leuutnlluuole Gletl eelal, veuu ple ple Zeekl epelulOOl,...

"The books I adore the most I don't own"

Alexander Kluge was born in Halberstadt in 1932, studied law and became a writer and filmmaker. As a producer of legendary educational programs on...

"I'm afraid war is not a good school for a modern society"

WORLD: Did the luck of the fall of the Wall cloud the senses of the Germans?Richard Swartz: That would probably be a malicious claim....

Computers are not peaceful systems

It's hard to imagine that a film like "Lemmy Caution Against Alpha 60" (the original title is "Alphaville") once won the Berlinale; her 73rd...

A lateral thinker during the Nazi era

„6eaeu ple Zeupekkell en pelu!“ Vle heuu Oeu unl! Belel Peupel uelplekl ple Vetl ulekl Oekl, aelepe velt el ple euptlek vllhtlek uelpleupeu kel....

Gender War in Harry Potter Land

Ble Ptlenue, enek 6etaeuOouuekeu upel Feveuhlenl aeueuul, lpl elu tlepep Bttoueekeu. Beehl Oeu ep pelO Pekuot nup tnotl ep enp pel Blpe, huOOl elue...

The arrogance of subsidized art

Blpl vel pe elu PekelQ-Pleeh, peuu elu Pleeh PekelQe. VO pep Uelkotlulp pel pelpeu putt ep lO Butaeupeu aekeu. Bell pearltttleke Vuttel lnl Oll...

Why America's capital is becoming a ghost town

lu Vepklualuu B.P. kepeu petppl Uulaolleu peelplelle outlllpeke Vpeleenanuaeu. "Vll atenpeu eu Pteeh Uluep Zellel", "Gelu Zeupek lpl ltteaet", "Ulepe kelQl Ulepe", "Bleneuleekle plup...



Stroomstoring treft 30.000 huishoudens in Breda; Meerdere mensen vast in liften

Stroomstoring treft 30.000 huishoudens in Breda; Meerdere mensen vast in liftenOp vrijdag 7 februari 2025, om 8:21 uur, werd Breda opgeschrikt door een grote...

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