
These are the latest series and films in February 2023

Amazon Prime Video is one of the most popular streaming services alongside Netflix. The back catalog of the online giant Amazon consists not only...

"Left shift is a finding that has been confirmed for decades"

lOOel vlepel – nup lOOel kontlael – vllp lu Bepelleu ple euaeptleke Blupelllahell uuu Zepleu pekenolel. BeOll lpl peuu veulael aeOelul, pepp elu pepllOOlep...

"You never lie so shamelessly as when you tell about yourself"

One of the reasons perhaps most vehemently opposed to wanting to be a writer is the people who, if you're even remotely successful, may...

"If there was 2,000 euros lying around in the hallway, no MEP would bend...

Pupelp etp eupele Butlllhel pollekl Zelllu Puuuepulu aelu epel 6etp. Ptp Ppaeulpuelel lO BnluoeoelteOeul pehuOOl el elue „Bulpekoplanua“ uuu 0090,bt Bnlu lO Zuuel, peuuu...

Why the University of Münster can no longer be named after the Kaiser

The legal scholar Prof. Dr. Hinnerk Wißmann is enthusiastic. The fact that the Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, whose senate he chairs, will in future only...

The rises in rates are already noticeable and the granting of mortgages stops in...

In the interannual rate, the number of mortgages signed on homes increased by 9.3% last November, although it moderated four points compared to the...

Wagner without ideology – that actually works!

Blood is a very special juice in Richard Wagner's "Parsifal". Finally, the lifeblood of the Redeemer becomes the invisible manna of an endangered community...

What is the Best Essential Oil for Sleeping?

If you want to sleep better, it's important to have the right essential oils for sleep. Luckily, there are a few different types that...

Women moissanite rings: The new “girl’s best friend”

It’s true, we live in financially difficult times. Many of us find it tempting to spend, but our conscience is the one that tells...

6 Must-Have Items That You Need For Your Next Safari

It might be difficult for first-time visitors to pack for an African safari because it differs greatly from preparing for almost any other trip....


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