If you are looking for a way to build a business while also helping people readjust to society as they get a second chance, then you might have thought about opening up the halfway house. At the same time, opening up a halfway house is not easy. Some halfway houses are designed to help people recovering from addiction to acclimate to the outside world after leaving an inpatient treatment facility. In other cases, halfway houses are designed to help people who have recently been released from prison. In order for your halfway house to be successful, you have to make sure that you have firm rules in place that provide structure without infringing on freedom. What are a few of the typical rules of a halfway house that you need to employ in order to set your halfway house in a position to be successful? There are a few important points that you should keep in mind.
What Are Common Rules?
There are a few common rules that halfway houses will employ to place their residents in the best position possible to work together and make a full recovery. Some of the most common rules that can improve life in a halfway house include:
Sobriety: Everyone who is present in a halfway house has to make sure they stay sober. This means refraining from drugs and alcohol. Because a lot of halfway houses are set up for people who are trying to break free from the bonds of addiction, sobriety is important. Even for people who have recently been released from prison, it is important to encourage sobriety. Even though they might not necessarily have a problem with addiction, drugs and alcohol may make them more likely to commit a crime.
Respect: Everyone at a halfway house has to treat both other residents and staff members with respect. Even though it is normal to have disagreements from time to time, it is important to voice these disagreements in a respectful manner. It is critical to refrain from physical violence, as this will only lead to more problems.
Recovery Programs: Everyone who lives in a halfway house has to keep up their attendance when it comes to their recovery programs. For those who are recovering from drugs and alcohol, they are probably going to be in a 12-step program. For those who have recently been released from prison, there are other recovery programs that they have to attend to ensure they have safe housing and gainful employment. Everyone who lives in a halfway house has to make sure they go to these programs on a regular basis. This is one of the foundational rules of every halfway house.
Employment: Those who live in a halfway house have to show that they’re actively applying for jobs. No one gets to live in a halfway house for free. For those who already have a job, they need to make sure they show up for work on time every time. If there are ever any issues with employment, these have to be addressed as quickly as possible. Employment is a critical part of becoming a productive member of society.
These are just a few of the common rules that people might find at a halfway house. Every halfway house is going to be a little bit different. Therefore, it is important for everyone to think carefully about the type of people they are going to have at their halfway house. Then, they should tailor these rules to meet the needs of their residents.
What Happens if These Rules Aren’t Followed?
If the rules of a halfway house are not being followed, there are a few measures that people can take. First, it is important for any violations of halfway house rules to be confirmed. For example, it is important to speak not only with the person in question but also with other people in the house to see if there was truly a rule that was broken.
Then, it is important to take a closer look at the person’s pattern. For example, some people might have been in the halfway house for a long time and recently committed their first violation. On the other hand, some people might be repeat offenders when it comes to breaking the rules of halfway houses. Regardless, it is important to have a strong policy in place regarding what happens when rules are broken. Then, residents should agree to this policy when they move in.
In some cases, a warning for breaking the rule in the halfway house is fine. Then, for those who break a halfway house rule a second or third time, they might be punished with extra work or the loss of permission to go off property. Finally, eviction from a halfway house should only be reserved for those who break halfway house rules repeatedly or severely. When it comes to running a halfway house, clear communication is key. Everyone who lives in the halfway house should be clear regarding what the rules are. That way, everyone knows the rules and the consequences for violating those rules from the first day they move in.
Get Help Starting Your Halfway House Today!
If you are thinking about starting a halfway house in your local area, then you need to make sure that you understand all the facts before you get started. That is where we can help. At How to Open Up a Halfway House, we will help you make sure that you put the proper rules in place to ensure that your halfway house is successful. We want to make sure that you have the appropriate rules in place for your halfway house to build a positive reputation in the field. That way, you can keep your occupancy rate high, expand your halfway house, and achieve your goals. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you with your halfway house!