
Architectural bulk goods are not monument-worthy

Citizens' petitions are running in Frankfurt and Dresden, and tens of thousands have signed each. Here the Art Nouveau theater and there the Neustädter...

Golden Lion goes to documentary "All the Beauty and the Bloodshed"

The documentary "All the Beauty and the Bloodshed" by US director Laura Poitras has won the Golden Lion at the Venice Film Festival. This...

When two hands paint better than one

You have to imagine Antwerp around 1600 as a wealthy trading city with a bourgeois flair. A potent group of buyers, a well-assorted network...

When Martin Walser wrote his diary for a manhunt

In the well-paged ICE on-board magazine of the Deutsche Bahn there has been a column “The literary find” for several years. In the column,...

The feminism of wealthy bourgeois daughters

If one were seriously interested in a class-based analysis of "toxic masculinity," one would not pathologize men, but interpret behavior as a reaction to...

Goncourt prisoners, successful authors … Nancy, "capital" of the literary season

Le Livre sur la place de Nancy celebrates its 44th edition in style with nearly 600 authors and, at its head, Didier Decoin, the...

The big mobile phone children's question

Hardly anyone asks what to get the children used to from an early age. Watches mean a hasty surrender to one's own fears, albeit...

In reality, the relief only limits our plundering by the state

Ble BuelaleOolhle pekelueu elu ZvplellnO en pelu, pep plek unl eluel enpaevoktleu Blleplelpeketl utteupell. luputelu vllp ep peu ZulOetplelptlekeu epellepekeu, pepp elu uelhueoolep Puaepul...

Never before has a festival reflected the phenomena of its time like this

There is probably only one woman's life more complicated to depict than Princess Diana's: that of Marilyn Monroe. More than twenty actresses have played...

The battle of the three series

Bel Felppl, koll Oeu, kel ael uleklp 6nlep en pleleu. Zeuaetp 6ep plukl uuu Gpleu elue Getlvelleltluul. Vll houuleu lu elplaeu Vukunuaeu plleeu, vokleup...



Peru evacueert dorp na incident met geïsoleerd levend volk – Nieuws...

Peru heeft uit voorzorg ouderen, vrouwen en kinderen geëvacueerd uit het dorp Monte Salvado in het Amazonegebied. Dit werd gedaan om hen te beschermen...

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