
USA-explain Grindr-owner to be a national security risk

The U.S. Committee on foreign investment provides for the Chinese owner of the Dating App Grindr as a national security risk. The App stores...

Facebook checks restrictions for Live Circuits

The US-group Facebook wants to rules after the massacre of Christchurch, who is allowed to make on its platforms in...

Facebook expands prohibitions against racist Propaganda

Facebook responds to public pressure after the stop in Christchurch, new Zealand to strengthen the fight against racist Propaganda. The network prohibits Propaganda for...

Twitter wants to draw offensive Trump-Tweets-on password

The Online service Twitter could in the future draw offensive messages from politicians such as U.S. President Donald Trump separately. ...

Facebook says the white nationalism in the fight

Facebook prohibits Statements on its pages from next week, the "white nationalism, Suprematism or separatism" to boast or support. "It...

Enough with the talk of the puppets!

The struggle for copyright reform, so the article claims a lot of nonsense, you would have liked a Filter. In the dispute over...

Copyright law is exacerbated in the EU drastically

The European Parliament has approved the fiercely-contested Reform of copyright law in the EU. The plenary agreed on Tuesday in Strasbourg for...

Hundreds of thousands of Asus computers with the Virus infected

Asus has been the victim of an attack. Attackers have managed, apparently, in the Server, break in and malicious software in clients...

Livestream from the European Parliament

The European Parliament will today vote on the controversial Reform of the copyright law. Follow the action in the Livestream. ...

Apple lays the groundwork for a subscription-Empire

Apple Events are run according to a known pattern. They last approximately two hours, and then there is the famous new sparkling...



PVV-minister Agema verdedigt bezuinigingen tijdens financiële uitdagingen

PVV-minister Agema verdedigt bezuinigingen tijdens financiële uitdagingenMinister Agema van Volksgezondheid, Welzijn en Sport heeft vandaag in de Tweede Kamer benadrukt dat er momenteel geen...

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