
Dubai climate change talks are overshadowed by fossil fuel backers

However, the most important issues are how and when to do this. Petroleum producers like the United Arab Emirates who hosted the gatherings need...

An ex-UN prosecutor calls for a global arrest warrant to be issued for Putin

In an interview published Saturday, Carla Del Ponte stated that Putin is a war criminal. Interviews were given to Swiss media by the Swiss lawyer...

Russian space chief: Sanctions could threaten the space station

Roscosmos' head Dmitry Rogozin told reporters that Roscosmos is currently preparing a report about the prospects for international cooperation at the station. This report...

Prague: A new radio station assists Ukrainian refugees to adapt in Prague

A new Prague-based radio station broadcasts news, information, and music to help 300,000 refugees arriving in Czech Republic after Russia's military attack against Ukraine. Radio...

Ramadan begins in many parts of the Middle East, amid rising prices

This was after Russia's invasion and subsequent rise in food and energy prices. Ramadan is a time when families gather for meals and celebrate with...

The experience of being held hostage in Islamic State captivity

It was the beginning for 14 months of cruelty at the hands Islamic State, according to the Italian aid worker. Motka, a British national accused...

Canoe paddlers offer assistance to Ukrainians who are stranded on Hawaii's shores.

They are still stranded on Oahu, without any access to their home, money, or family, nearly a month later. They have found support from the...

Taliban denies Afghan women solo flight travel and segregates parks by sexual sex. They...

They drag Afghans back under the draconian Islamic sharia law they have created and then defiantly distance their regime from the international community. Official...

As talks with Ukraine progress, Russia claims it will "drastically decrease" military activity near...

They resumed direct talks that Ukraine hopes will lead to a ceasefire following more than a month after Vladimir Putin's brutal invasion. Russia declared...

Mariupol, Ukraine residents claim they had a "beautiful life." However, as the war drags along,...

Her children had "wonderful jobs" and she was a designer engineer with "great pensions." Today, she's homeless. Irina said that she had nothing. She stood...



Zorgverzekering op Prinsjesdag: Uitgelekte cijfers tonen flinke stijging

Op Prinsjesdag zijn er uitgelekte cijfers naar buiten gekomen die aantonen dat de zorgverzekering volgend jaar aanzienlijk zal stijgen. Volgens bronnen in Den Haag...

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