Sex is basically good for you, but it also involves dangers. 1. Fatal hickey

a Mexican 17-year-old Julio Macias Gonzales died of a heart infarction, for which the impetus was likely the girlfriend of imaisema hickey.

Gonzalesilla was so bad luck, that tipple by caused blood clots, which pass into fatal consequences to her heart.

2. The deafening kiss

the 20-year-old chinese woman went to the doctor, because he had suddenly lost his hearing.

the reason for that was revealed the previous day’s frantic farewell kiss, which was received at the time of the mouth so that a large pressure change, that it affected your ear drum.

the Woman’s hearing was restored in a few months.

3. Blinding orgasm

a Man from Southampton go to the doctor, because he noticed the vision lost in one eye.

the reason for the reveal was a wild night, that climax had been so pressurized, that it had become an eye hematoma.

Doctors have mentioned, that the man might not want to try to exceedingly and with all your strength to postpone the orgasm, because this type of penalty may then be possible.

4. The dreaded nalkki

Italian couple have sex in the sea with the result that the man couldn’t get his penis out of a woman’s vagina.

the Space was called penis captivus. This is possible, but very rare.

the Man’s penis really are then, so to speak, nail the female orgasm belonging to the rhythm of the contractions.

Usually expire by itself after some time.

Sex is a risk. MOSTPHOTOS5. Violate bra

the 27-year-old man went to the emergency room because she broke her finger trying to get his girlfriend’s bra open.

6. The ruptured penis

the 47-year-old man’s penis was damaged in a night of passion.

the Man noticed the damage until after 12 hours.

the Penis can get damage, if it sexual intercourse gets a sudden shock, for example, women from the pubic bone out.

7. Deceiver of fate

according to the Study, particularly exposed to sex early of a heart attack are men, which is itself much younger mistress.

it Has been speculated that the heart attack risk increase at the time of the guilt caused by the pressure and the pressure to get young women to feel satisfied. This man’s heart had to undue stress, which it may not hold.


the Thing is published for the first time 2.12.2017.