Each group in college has international students who bring some variety. Some people dislike them because of prejudice. Others consider them to be interesting and unusual. What about international students? How do they feel in a non-native environment? It is not a simple task for them to adapt to new customs, traditions, and rules. Each student feels the pressure of responsibility, but international students experience double pressure. 

  1. They have to manage their life without a chance to feel relief at home because it is so far away from them.

  2. They must get accustomed to a new surrounding, which has its peculiarities.

Naturally, such students search for help trying to cope with the academic load, psychological discomfort provided by strange religious and habitual traditions, new time zone (if their home is on another continent), and try to find friends. There is no medicine that can help to adjust to the time zone and make a person feel better in the new environment full of responsibilities. Nevertheless, one can find a service that will be always ready to do a student’s academic homework. 

Why Foreign Students Face Difficulties When Doing College Assignments

It is a well-known fact that different countries have different requirements concerning academic homework. Educational institutions of America have very strict rules. Professors demand not only deep research but also have created a list of various requirements about the paper presentation. It includes formatting, writing style, paper type, bibliography peculiarities, and time limits. Some tutors need written papers, some of them want their students to use Google Docs, and others ask to bring printed homework with its electronic version on USB or disc. 

The most difficult issues for each student are formatting and the research itself. Why formatting is so horrible? There are 4 types of formatting that differ in small details, and it is hard not to mix them up. Footnotes, bibliography, citations, spacing, margins, size, and type of font, headings, subheadings, title page, and other detail are specific for each formatting type. 

One more thing a researcher should consider is the choice of resources for the investigation. Some colleges appreciate Wikipedia and some regard it as a doubtful database. It is rather hard to find reliable scientific books, magazines, newspapers, and web sources. The Internet provides each user with a variety of web pages. They can be fake or real and contain checked or fictitious information. The bibliography must not contain doubtful sources because they have zero value and can mislead the research. 

A research paper usually consists of two parts. The first one presents the theory, and the second part proves the theory on practice. It means that a student has to experiment, interview, or test something. It is hard to write a practical part of the research because one should know where to look for participants or materials for the experiment. 

Essay Writing Help for International Students: How to Order Professional Assistance

International students often realize that they cannot cope with the research and start looking for essay help online from a professional company ready to perform their academic papers from scratch. How to do that? There is a guide to follow.

Find a Reputable Agency

It sounds easy but few students know the difference between reputable and fake agencies. To find a good service, a person should pay attention to several important details. 

  • Website. It must be easy in navigation and contain related information about the company, its address, phone number or email, and certificate proving its legality. The URL address is to be short, clear, and end with ‘official’ letter combinations like .org, .com, co.uk (an abbreviation of the country).  

  • Testimonials. Customers’ comments are to sound real. There must be various details including problems and their solution. For example, ‘I received the paper but the sources of the bibliography were not good enough. I forgot to tell the writer that our professor hates Wikipedia and books which were written in other languages and needed translation. I apologized and asked to search for better materials (of course, for extra paying but it was not big). The writer did everything quickly and I got my A.’

  • Price. The price must be sound. Too cheap performance means that writers get low salaries. Consequently, they are not professionals who have acquired a college degree and experience in writing. Such companies usually send plagiarized essays, full of mistakes. So, one should compare prices. How to do that? One should just visit different custom writing services or look for statistics.

  • Sample essays and writers’ portfolios. Reliable writing companies have portfolios of writers with free sample papers. They must be unique and of high quality. 

Fill in the Form

Each service asks a customer to fill in the form mentioning contact information, name, a deadline, and other important details.

Discuss Details

If a college prefers concrete source type, a student must inform the company. It will help to avoid mistakes and save a client’s money (rewriting resulted in a student’s fault needs extra-payment).


There are several payment methods. A client should choose the most comfortable one and pay the order. 

Get the Paper

An agency can send an electronic version of the paper or printed one. A student should mention it in the application form. 


Our writing agency has a spotless reputation offering only high-level academic papers. Our writers help international students catch other students up and improve college rating. Thanks to that, students have time to adapt. They do not feel that double pressure anymore.