George Clooney can sell coffee with its intense eyes, when he says: ‘Nespresso – what else?’

But did you know that he can also get us to understand and accept the theory of evolution? And even better than a scientist?

Celebrities like Clooney can generally get the science to glide easier down, is the conclusion in each case, in a new Betkanyon study, published in Evolutionary Psychology.

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Canadian researchers have studied the 360 canadian students ‘ perceptions of an article about the theory of evolution, as half of the corridors had a fictional researcher as the sender – the second half was framet as a kendisbog of George Clooney.

The students were then to declare themselves agree or disagree with the article’s explanation of the theory of evolution, and it showed the researchers count, that the articles with Clooney as the sender was much more effective in convincing the students about the evolution of the accounts than the fictional scientist article.

When the researchers later replaced Clooney with Harry-Potter-the celebrity Emma Watson, showed the same trend.

Why the students in the study were better able to relate to Clooney’s explanation, scientists do not yet, but they guess that it is about identification with the sender.

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