Whether mulled wine, the Raclette or the art of craftsmanship: The Swiss Christmas markets visitors with your offer in the season of Advent in droves. Also for the tourism play an increasingly important role. However, a suitable offer for young people is missing out on the markets, according to Marketing experts.

In the city of Zurich, there are now a whole range of Christmas markets, for example, at Bellevue, in the old town, in the Central station, the expectant mill square or in the city centre, between the Department stores, Jelmoli and Globus. Also in the Shopping Center Sihlcity present themselves to the customers on the forecourt, a Fondue Chalet, and market stalls.

one is During the oldest market of the city in the old town, is the foreign commuters, especially the Christmas market in the main train station is known. Year after year, he provides a 15-Meter-high Christmas tree, adorned with 7’000 Swarovski crystals.

the guests come not only from Switzerland but also from neighbouring countries. “In the past, almost ignored, apply we our Christmas markets strengthened in those markets in which we are engaged,” said Ueli Heer, spokesman of the Zurich tourism, to the news Agency AWP. Just about Italians in Zurich thanks to the Christmas markets in December are extremely popular.

As an indication of the popularity of the markets, in the case of foreign guests, the army refers to the increase in the number of overnight stays in Zurich in December. “We counted for the region of Zurich in the year 2013 in the month 292’089 Nights, it was in December of 2017 already in the 377’246 – a Plus of almost 30 percent,” stated the spokesman.

Basel million limit crack

Also in Basel, the importance of the Christmas markets is increasing steadily, as Christoph Bosshardt, head of Marketing at Basel tourism to AWP said. “According to a survey from last year we will reach 800’000 to 900’000 visitors,” he said. The goal is to crack soon. The Size of the market has grown to 186 stalls.

The Basel Christmas market offered 2017, even as a skating rink. Photo: Keystone

Bosshardt, also in Basel, the percentage of foreign guests at the Christmas market – it is carried out on the Cathedral square and on the barfüsserplatz is increasing and is happy. “A few years ago, the December tourist was one of the weakest months of the year, but that has changed thanks to the Christmas market,” he explained.

as well As in Zurich, the Basel Christmas market with Italians is very popular. “Thanks to the good flight connections with Easyjet, Vueling and Iberia to Basel also many Spaniards visit us,” said Bosshardt. And finally, guests from North America would, in the context of Europe, are travelling more often to the Rhine knee.

In Bern, meanwhile, came this year with the star market, an additional Christmas market. “The markets operator are to be paid according to their own statements, very satisfied with the visit, the trend is growing,” said Sabrina Jörg, head of Events Bern Welcome to AWP.

growth also in the Romandie

But not only in the German part of Switzerland, the Romandie, the importance of the Christmas markets. In Montreux, where is the largest market in Western Switzerland is held, the event in 2017, all 530’000 visitors, a number that had doubled within ten years.

Berner-protected lock your market in the last year, with a covered Concrete in front of attacks. Photo: Keystone

Similar to great enthusiasm in Lausanne, where in the past year, 350’000 people, the event was attended by up to 75 percent more than three years ago. The increase can be explained, among other things, by the increase in the Size of the market from 50 to 80 stalls, as Florian Schmied, Director of the Lausanne Christmas market, the news Agency AWP said.

According to a survey by the Institute for tourism of the University of applied Sciences Western Switzerland in the Canton of Valais, the visitors of the Christmas market of Montreux, on average, 66 francs on the market. “People come mainly because of the atmosphere, only 15% are there to shop,” said the author of the study, Miriam Scaglione.

Innovative concepts are missing

According to Marketing experts however, this is not surprising. “Many of the Christmas markets are very traditional, they offer hardly anything, except for Raclette and mulled wine,” explains the independent Marketing strategy consultant Cary Steinmann.

With an acrobatic spectacle of the Christmas market in Lausanne, attracted in the last year visitors. Photo: Keystone

Although, caused by the countless strings of lights just Gorabet to the older crowd or families with small children for a pleasant shopping atmosphere, but it lacks the markets, especially for the younger audience to the right offer.

“would Actually, Christmas markets are the ideal opportunity for hip brands to showcase themselves to a wide audience in the Pop-Up style,” said Steinmann. The same is true, ultimately, for the classic Department stores.

According to Steinmann, for example, stores like Jelmoli, Globus or Manor could use the markets as an opportunity to Present your own brand. “There is a great potential lies fallow, that could lure back the customers, at least in part from the Internet in the shops,” says Steinmann.

Since the pre-Christmas events and Christmas markets are an incentive for a shopping trip, to buy people their Christmas presents then again in the stationary trade, instead of on the Internet. (Tages-Anzeiger)

Created: 07.12.2018, 11:47 PM