As a child, Marika Selinmaa had dry skin, but during adolescence her outbreak of atopic dermatitis.Atooppisesta eczema affects about one in ten Finnish, part of the disease is mild, some severe.Atopic dermatitis affect self-esteem, social relationships, the couple’s relationship and career choices.Marika selinmaa the spawn of atopic dermatitis is between spread to almost everywhere on the skin.Video Marika tell me, how violent can atopic dermatitis be and what means he has in everyday life will help to keep the symptoms of the disease under control.

Between the two is not clear, Marika Selinmaa , 25, confess.

Atopic dermatitis is at the same time both physical and mental misery.

the reason for the desperate thoughts is atopic dermatitis. When the skin blooms in impetigo and skin itch unceasingly, is no joke.

Atopic dermatitis is not the same thing as dry skin.

Atopic dermatitis is a long-term, inflammatory disease. A typical symptom is a skin rash elbow in taipei, knees, neck and eyelids.

the Skin becomes dry, red, näppylöityy and jäkälöityy so to thicken. When the skin itches, it is scratched.

Marika atopic dermatitis outbreak during adolescence. The facial skin was irritated and bothered.

I didn’t know anyone else who had such problems. Self-esteem for the inflammation of the skin did not do a good.

exacerbation of Her atopic dermatitis has shown this. MARIKA SELINMAA

Marika was a kid from dry skin, which were greased in regular intervals. Sweat rash again trouble down the road later.

the interview the moment Her skin could very. It is almost hard to believe that the same skin between the waft quite different.

– yes, it Is frustrating when you know that this discomfort does not go away. It just have to live with.

Perhaps the worst experience atooppisesta rash Marika was last winter, when disease related to herpes spread to cover half his face.

Then I sat on the bathroom floor and crying, he told me.

Herpes extended from the forehead up to the neck.

I couldn’t even move my head.

– Keep positive your and search for information, to encourage Marika Selinmaa other atoopikkoja. Ms heljä SALONEN”Living this hell with the skin”

Marika told me about his illness openly, because he knows himself, how much information and sharing it helps.

He told atopiasta and his life ”this fucking skin with” also in his blog.

Fresh Allergy, skin and asthma association survey, in which the second atoopikko experience, that the disease affects self-esteem and self-concept.

That fifth atoopikkoa is bullied by the skin.

Atopic dermatitis affects social relations.

– Yes atopy also affects the couple’s relationship, if your partner does not understand what atopic skin means, Marika said.

according to a survey of almost every third atooppisesta eczema suffers experience, that the disease also affects their own sexuality.

Severe atopic dermatitis sufferers, every second of the experience of illness as affecting their own sexuality.

Marika looks like a blog with pictures of how extensive the rash is in between the spread. The right image shows the arrows shown, small light area. It was at that time Marika’s skin the only healthy point. MARIKA selinmaa skin of bricks bad place

Atooppisesta eczema suffers almost one in ten Finnish.

the Disease, the disease mechanism is complex and multifactorial. Genetic and environmental influence, but how, it is not always clear.

in atopic dermatitis is the skin permeability barrier works only imperfectly, allowing the water to evaporate from the skin faster than normal and external factors that irritate the skin.

– If the skin is to be thought of as a protective brick wall, in atopic dermatitis is those bricks are improperly seated, describes dermatology and allergology specialist Tiina Lipitsä .

Everyday routines to help Marika to keep the skin condition, but a sure way to prevent future waft is not.

Atopic dermatitis treatment is individual. What works for one doesn’t necessarily work for another.

the Disease belong to the waves of exacerbations.

Atopic ihottoman treatment has also become a market the first biological medicine, dupilumabi, which is administered every two weeks by injection under the skin.

Atopic dermatitis appears typically in the neck area. – When the skin is inflamed from head to toe, it felt disgusting, Marika Selinmaa said. MARIKA selin soil water drinking helps

Marika has been atopic dermatitis due treatment in the Helsinki Skin and allergy hospital bed in the department.

He has got atopic dermatitis including light therapy, which has not been appreciable benefit.

Marika herself one of the most important everyday thing is water intake.

– Two liters a day is enough, more does not need to, but it is really important to my skin.

the Winters are atoopikolle often worse than the other seasons.

– the Best my skin would be if I moved somewhere warm, Marika said with a laugh.

Marika wants to be a peer support for other atooppisesta eczema sufferers.

peer – to-peer support has helped me a lot. Through it I have also received a lot of information.

Allergy, skin and asthma federation to organize for the first time Ihoviikko campaign 12.-18-11.