Compressing work of the right kind of snack, you can get a day more energy. When coffee doesn’t necessarily need to be tippling all the time.The video reveals what a treat it is healthy.

When energy levels fall, many of us rushing off to drink coffee. Finns, when up to 90% of drinking coffee.

Prevention network according to the magazine corresponding to the energy can, however, seek other sources. Take work according to these afternoon fatigue restrain agents, because the energy is more even and long-lasting than coffee.

1. Avocado

avocado bread. That’s you a perfect evening päiväeväs. Avokadossa is a lot of healthy fats and fiber and it contains pantothenic acid to stimulate fat burning.

Avocado fat helps the nutrients be absorbed as well as the fiber slows down blood sugar spikes after meals and keep energy levels more constant, american nutritionist Jessica Beacom said.

enjoy avocado get a lot of energy of good quality fat in the form. Mostphotos2. Green leaflets with vegetables

Many people enjoy caffeine or sugar when he was tired. Although you may not immediately believe, green leaflets vegetables are good sources of energy.

They have iron, calcium, fiber, magnesium and vitamins A, C, E and K vitamin.

–leaf green contains iron and vitamin C help prevent also anemia, which causes many fatigue – this particular benefit to women, Beacom said.

3. Sweet potatoes

Carbohydrates shouldn’t be avoided completely because they get quick energy. Just make sure that you select them in a healthy and fiber-fueled form, such as kokojyv. Avoid added sugar.

sweet Potato is a good energy and fibre source. It slows down digestion, resulting in energy is released steadily.

4. Dark chocolate

When I feel frustrated, the sweets seem a perfect solution. Seriously, however, they take a blood sugar roller coaster ride. Then forget the other goodies and focus on dark chocolate.

Recommend low sugar, at least 75% dark chocolate. It is good caffeine and theobromine source. They are natural spice up entrepreneurs, which will raise energy and mood.

Dark chocolate antioxidant can also improve blood circulation and bring more effective oxygen to the brain and muscles, Beacom said.

you must Select at least 75% dark chocolate. Mostphotos5. Banana

the good Old banana always works. Banana trump cards are good carbs, potassium and many other nutrients. Especially on training days it is a great snack.

Potassium helps hydrated and natural sugars and the carbs energize you.

6. Water

Many people forget to drink during the day enough water. Next time you feel tired, try to drink a glass of cold water.

–a Little dehydration can reduce energy levels, leaving you feeling easily tired and slow, Werner warned.

the Water can refresh the feel, even if there are no calories, fat or protein.

Beetroot promotes the body’s oxygen intake. Then add, say, a lunch salad. Mostphotos7. Beetroot

Root vegetables should be a working lunch, say, salads or other food as a side dish. Especially beetroot is a nourishing and powerful source of energy.

Beets contain naturally occurring nitrates and antioxidants, which are believed to boost blood circulation, allowing the brain and muscles get better oxygen, Beacom said.

Source: Prevention