Playboy model suspected of the murder of an eminent psychiatrist. Watch the video report on the subject. Cnn

in Several men’s magazines occur to the Kelsey -the name of the model suspected of the murder of a prestigious doctor in Nevada in the united states.

the 71-year-old doctor body was found in an abandoned car on the road march 7. day.

the Las Vegas Review-Journal said the victim died of blunt force trauma induced shock as a result.

Body was found when a passerby noticed that a car through a window has been thrown a stone.

Kelsey was often seen on the red carpet. AOP

Kelsey and the victim, the psychiatrist Thomas, had known Kelsey’s mother, according to each other for some years. Thomas had paid Kelsey, this children’s and Kelsey’s mother’s rent in salina in California for several years.

–This make you a person is completely heartless, whoever that is, Thomas spouse Judy said.

the Psychiatrist had been in the Las Vegas area for the weekend. Motive is not knowledge.

Kelsey was arrested in California and handed over to the soon to Nevada to hear murder charges.

Kelsey’s recent arrest photo. Las Vegas Metro Police Department

Kelsey was seen on several magazine covers and she posed for Italian Playboy.

Source: the Daily Mail, the kswb