Ali Abbasi is Fearless, Even Towards Donald Trump

Ali Abbasi has managed to enrage Donald Trump with his latest film, The Apprentice. However, the highly acclaimed filmmaker aims to portray Trump as a human being. ‘The most despicable person in history is also someone who had a dog, or was in love,’ Abbasi states.

The murder of sixteen prostitutes in his native country, Iran, serves as a wake-up call for Ali Abbasi. He utilizes his films as a platform to shed light on misogyny and women’s rights issues.

Despite facing backlash and criticism, Abbasi remains undeterred in his mission to challenge societal norms and provoke thought through his art. Through The Apprentice, he dares to shine a light on the complexities of human nature, even in the most controversial figures.

With his bold and unapologetic storytelling, Ali Abbasi continues to push boundaries and spark conversations that are often uncomfortable but necessary for progress and understanding.

In a world where fear and censorship often prevail, Abbasi’s fearless approach to filmmaking serves as a beacon of hope for those who dare to challenge the status quo and speak truth to power. The Apprentice stands as a testament to the power of art in sparking change and challenging perceptions.