Islamic State British special forces SAS have in the dustbin the heads discovered 50 sex slaves who were murdered by IS militants. They made the gruesome discovery in the eastern Syrian city of Baghuz, the last stronghold of Islamic State where there is still fierce battle.

“Now the defeat is imminent, knowing the brutality of the jihadi’s no limits,” says a source to the British newspaper The Daily Mail . “They carried out a cowardly massacre on desperate women as a final act of inhumanity, and left their severed heads behind. Such a sickening act is incomprehensible to any normal human being.”

“The soldiers in Baghuz the discovery, will never forget what they saw, some of the soldiers compared it to a scene from the film ‘Apocalypse Now’. Their only consolation is that they have contributed to ending the terrorism of the Islamic State,” said the source.

The yezedi’s are a Koedische religious and ethnic minority in Iraq and Syria. Over the past years they had suffered under the violence of IS. Many of them were by warriors of the terreurbeweging as a slave held or sold, or be immediately killed.

The special forces found in Baghuz also some bodies of IS fighters who were killed in the battle to their last stronghold, or were murdered by their own commanders, because they were suspected spies.

Civilians as a human shield

There is, however, now feared that more than a hundred jihadists were successful in hiding as refugees and in refugee centres. In Baghuz holed over the past few weeks hundreds of jihadists, among them many from Europe. In the nearby Hawi al-Dandal would be the last IS-fighters currently about a hundred civilians hostage and used as human shields.