must go to a chief of staff: US President, Trump announced the departure of John Kelly, with whom he had recently been more and more disenchanted. As the successor to the previous chief of staff of Deputy Pence is in the conversation.

John Kelly is in for almost two years in office, Donald trump’s the second chief of staff in the White house who must take his hat. For the new year, Kelly will go, ‘ said Trump in Washington. He was a “great guy” – he doesn’t know if he could call it a resignation, said Trump.

Trump should last always be get more common with Kelly together.

The General and short-term Secretary of Homeland security, was followed on the hapless Reince Priebus, with the aim to bring order in the operations of the White house. The function of the chief of staff of the President to occupy normally a Confidant, so to speak, as your right Hand. Finally, the 68 had become disenchanted-year-old Kelly more and more with Trump. Also with his daughter Ivanka and her husband Jared Kushner – both in mighty consultant functions in the White house – there have been differences. Therefore, speculated for months about an imminent departure.


since the congressional elections on may 6. November. Prior to that, he had separated already from his Minister of justice, Jeff Sessions. Before that, there had been dozens of personnel changes – the most spectacular was the, allegedly, via Twitter, was the dismissal of foreign Minister, Rex Tillerson.

Kelly is also the time of the generals in the Administration Trumps to the end. Previously, the highly decorated military Michael Flynn, and Herbert Raymond were already McMaster excreted. Minister of defense James Mattis is the last of the former guard, with the Trump to the outside had turned.

Nick Ayers as the new chief of staff of Trump in an interview
tagesschau at 20:00, 09.12.2018, Jan Philipp Burgard, ARD Washington

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