Movie Sunday night, the Oscars for the 91st time, presented in Los Angeles; the most important film event of the year. It will be single star with an Academy Award rewarded for their performance over the last year. Although the figurines are also very relative, because for the same money they get next year a Razzie – a prize for the worst film and performances of the year. That happened in the past already several times: these 9 actors to have both an Oscar as a Razzie on their list of achievements. 1. Laurence Olivier
Countdown to the Oscars – part 3: these actors won both an Oscar as a Razzie
Steun van Chinese gemeenschap voor 8-jarige na explosie in Den Haag
Steun van Chinese gemeenschap voor 8-jarige na explosie in Den HaagHet huizenblok aan de Tarwekamp in Den Haag dat getroffen is door een explosie...