Justin Carter was making a new video, when the pocket was the gun went off. Justin Carter died only 35 years old.

, 35, was regarded as a promising country music star, whose career was rocketing.

a Man was filming a music video in Houston, Texas, when the accident occurred.

the description of your prop weapon was carter’s pocket. For some reason the gun went off accidentally, hitting a country music star to the corner of the eye.

the Shot was fatal.

Just before his death, Carter had to make a record deal. November 9. day, he had just released the Love Affair -the name of the single.

carter’s mom Cindy McCellan confirm my news from Fox News.

She was a great artist. He had a great voice and we try to keep his name alive.

– the Character he was perfect, very lovable.

she said he was also deeply religious.

He had a room in one of the Bible, the second he has a truck.

she leaves behind a circle of acquaintances, his wife and two children.