Celebrities Ellen DeGeneres (60) is by her fame twice on a snelheidsboete escapes. Once that wasn even a selfie with the agent who has her caught. That told the host in the talk show of Jimmy Kimmel.

“I’m really happy, and yes, that is sometimes too fast”, the host of ‘The Ellen Show’. “Just a little bit above the designated speed, because some of the speeds are just ridiculously low.” When the blonde a little too quickly to her work drove, she walked, however, against the lamp. “I drove 56 miles per hour, but I just 48 km per hour could,” said Ellen.

The agent that Ellen caught violating the rules of the road, exhorted her to be in the side. When she put her window down did, it started the man suddenly days that he was with a celebrity. “He looked at me as if he recognized, but he was not sure so he asked for my driver’s license,” says the star. When it turned out that it was the real Ellen DeGeneres was, he let her go without penalty. “You have done many good things for the world,” he said.

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