British mps from majority and opposition are not to speak about the speech that prime minister Theresa May last night gave. Therein she laid the blame for the brexitimpasse at them and declared them “on the side of the people”. The members of the house of Commons to react furiously and finding it not possible that May, the tense atmosphere still oppookt. In Brussels meanwhile, the European summit began where the heads of state and government considered the question of whether the brexit postponed.

“for Almost three years has passed since the people has voted for the EU to leave,” said May yesterday in a speech from her official residence. “Here, I am sure of: you are tired. You are tired of members of parliament about nothing else than brexit speak, when you have real concerns. I’m on your side.” The according May the members of the house of Commons that “all have done to no decision making” and “only expressed what they didn’t want to”. Therefore she was obliged to ask for a postponement of the brexit, something they “personally regrets”.

Read also Petitiesite British parliament to crash after hundreds of thousands of questions in the EU to continue to

“This is a national disgrace. I don’t know why I actually every time even am surprised”, responded to a Labour mp. A fellow oppositielid called “the attempt of the parliament to turn against the people”, and “dark”. “It is the populism of Steve Over and Donald Trump. The history will, her impudence to condemn you. Our country deserves much better than this.” A third party called the speech “inflammatory and irresponsible”. “If something happens, she will share in the responsibility.”

“Dangerous and reckless”

Also Labour members that the previous days open showed a to May to help her deal through the parliament, felt cold caught. “This is outrageous,” said Lagerhuislid Lisa Nandy. “The parliament set up against the people in the current climate is dangerous and reckless. Yesterday attacked the government officials, today the members of parliament of whom they are the majority. This will be her support costs.”

“The democracy will lose”

Critical sounds were there within May’s own party. Conservative member of parliament and ex-minister Sam Gyimah, stated that “democracy loses as a premier pushes against the parliament and the members of parliament blame their job to do”. “This is all the worse because they know that members of parliament already hate mails. Some even get death threats.”

Dominic Grieve, a partijgenoot of May, had previously been hard taken to as much confusion and chaos. In the house of Commons he said “never more ashamed to have been to be a member of the Conservative party”. “The premier zigzags of hot to her, instead of standing up for the national interest.” If the government does not quickly re-grip on the events, see Grieve his party “in a downward spiral towards oblivion, and the worst of all is that we earned would have”.

also Read: Petitiesite British parliament to crash after hundreds of thousands of questions in the EU to continue