Kohujuristi Heikki Lampela is separated from the bar association. Heikki Lampela in court in 2016. John Palme

Lawyer Heikki Lampela was expelled from the bar association in December 2017. After the decision of the Lampela complained about it to the supreme court. Now the supreme court has made a decision, and let Lampela appeal to the court of appeal decision. The supreme court registry confirm that the evening paper.

the evening paper the news of the court of appeal decision in September 2018. At that time, the court of appeal upheld the bar association monitoring board decision Heikki Lampela separation.

the oversight board said Lampela do repeatedly good behaviour. According to the association of a conditional prison sentence would suffice for the separation.

Lampela was convicted of his girlfriend assaulting a suspended prison sentence in 2015.

the Supreme court decision to tell you the first Night Say.