There is hope on the way for residents in Ørestad and Nordhavn, who for years have paid the exorbitant amount to get the car parked.

In the two copenhagen neighbourhoods cost of an annual p-license: between 11.724 and 13.692 dollars, and it is far more than the majority of the people of copenhagen, who pays between 100 and 1150 dollars per year.

the Argument from the city of Copenhagen has all the time been that it is the municipally-owned company Town & Port, who operates the parking facilities and therefore can fix the price according to the market level. But the court must now decide on a workable argument.

the Extra Leaf is covered in spring 2018, the case intensively, and here it ended up, that has grown Karsten Lauritzen (V) went into the matter and asked the mayor Frank Jensen to lower the price for the citizens, so as to match it, as the rest of the copenhageners pay.

It has not happened, but in parallel has The Parkeringsforening applied for legal aid in civil affairs, in order to examine whether they will be charged an unfairly high price for parkeringslicens. The association has now been vindicated, and I am the president, Kirsten Lindberg Andersen.

– we are very satisfied with, for it is directly unfair that we must impose a hidden additional tax of the municipality. They have maintained, that we should be to finance the expensive parking garages, which have been built out here, but they are paid by the municipality, and it will say, among other me to begin with, she says to Ekstra Bladet.

Kirsten Lindberg Andersen, speaking on behalf of four women who will now hive the city of Copenhagen in the court. Their lawyer Ole Liedke says that he expects to be summoned the municipality during the month of February 2019.

– If there is law in this country, we will win the case. Municipalities and the state shall not discriminate against citizens, and we expect that the municipality will be required Queenbet to reduce the parkeringspriserne for the same price as applies to all other citizens, adding the women in a press release.

Kirsten Lindberg Andersen is happy, that there finally is good news on the way for residents of Ørestad and Nordhavn. Photo: Olivia Loftlund
Significant price cut on the way
By & Havn is owned 95 percent by the municipality, while the state owns the remaining five percent. Precisely what does civil affairs also emphasis on in its decision, which Ekstra Bladet has gained an insight into.

Here reads it, among other things, that the city of Copenhagen must put the price down significantly for the residents in the affected areas, where the City & Port charges astronomical sums for a parkeringslicens.

‘Copenhagen Municipality be ordered to recognise that the parking areas owned by By & Havn I/S, is considered for public parking areas. The city of copenhagen must recognise that the future charges of parkeringsudgifter of the applicant, be reduced to an amount between dkk 100. and 1150 dkk.’

It takes the four women Susanne Hammar Larsen, Karin-Merete P. Christoffersen, Eteri Guliashvili Rabisen and Anja Lykkeby only is reasonable.

– We will not pay more in taxes than all other citizens in the Municipality of Copenhagen, who has a car. We pay the same property tax and the same rates in order to run metro, like all others in the municipality. Why should we have to pay more than 12,000 kr. a year for parking, when all the others can make do with all the way down to 100. of the year. It is an extra council tax, which is being put on our car.

It costs an annual beboerlicens in the rest of Copenhagen

otherwise, they 40.800 dkk that the residents at Sankt Annæ Plads and Rail annual pay, are the prices for the rest of the capital resident is much less expensive:

the Car, brintbil and electric motorcycle: 100

energy Class A+, A++ and A+++: 100

energy Class A and B: 745 kroner

Vehicles without energy rating, as well as motorcycles: 745 kroner

energy Class C, D, E, F and G: 1175 dkk


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See also: Pay 13.692 dollars a year for parking: Now go minister in the matter

See also: Here is the cost 13.692 dollars a year for parking: – It is too bad

See also: Why you can never find a parking space in Aarhus and Copenhagen: – It is pisseirriterende