Joel Harkimo and Janni Hussi passengers recently on a romantic vacation to London. Video Janni consider romance and what she likes herself.
as an entrepreneur and blogger known as Janni Hussi and the parliamentary election will also run left Joel Harkimo last October, dating.
image in a couple of sports gala. Jenni Gästgivar
Recently, a couple traveling on a romantic vacation to London. Relationship week end didn’t go quite according to plan, as Janni wrote on his blog sick vacation.
If the image is not showing, you can watch it here.
–We actually had a wonderful couples weekend in London running at the moment. And of course it is running, but as a red second when you give yourself permission to tone it down, puksahtaa germs nostrils in so that losahtaa! Okay, maybe it might have to do that Joel was our first lenssussa and now it is for me, too blocked nose, Janni noted in his blog.
looks like the Holiday, however, ultimately was in line with expectations, since Joel released just Instagram account a romantic image of the trip. In the photo fell in love looking couple look at each other, smiling.
Jps image is not showing, you can watch it here.
London was perfect, Joel to write the image text in the heart with.
we Started talking to the dog, and the conversation deepened. Then Joel asked me prätkäilemään, Janni told me the previous evening to the press the beginning of the relationship.
Love was kindled on a motorcycle. Both feel so good, that we wonder that the hell this obstruct.