The best of the web, It’s Monday, and that means, of course, a new maandagpuzzel. This riddle can you out at a party or in a cafe, if you get five or six dice with you. As soon as you the game to open, it is very nice to see others recommend.

In the game of dice ‘ Petals around the rose the idea is that the game is played by one who knows, while another person has to guess how the game works. the

While the game throws someone with a number of dice, in this case five. The one that the game already knows, says with every roll the correct answer is: a number. He should not say, how he the number. The one that the game do not know the reasoning behind the answer to discover for yourself. the

To the solution to suggest you can only take three things to know. First: the name of the game is significant. Second: each answer is a equally number (or zero). Finally: you get with each roll of the correct answer , until you get the game to open. Up to you to guess how to get to the solution (the correct number). You can, the following throws all recommend? the

Below you see a first example: