This year’s Lifesaver+ FÖLJPRESENTERAS AVMartin, 47, trapped in the cabin fell to bottenSVENSKA HEROES

When a machine operator Martin Andersson, 47, tipped the blasted rock suddenly plummeted the 20-ton hauler down to the sea.

Trapped in the cab, and he was forced to follow when the vehicle dropped to 15 meters in depth.

– Before it stood firmly on the bottom, I could just stick in the wheel, ” says Martin in her first interview after the accident.

When Aftonbladet visit the island of Tjörn, it is full speed ahead on construction at the Mossholmen. On one of the three houses, which accommodate apartments with stunning sea views, the roof is almost finished. Many of the workers stops and greets happily when Martin Andersson goes between the contractors and byggbodar. The brief conversations usually begin with a concern over how he feels – and ends with the happiness that he is alive.

Would just go back out on the pier

A piece of the Bohuslän coast is located in front of the houses. Here, the sky is grey, the sea dark and the rocks bare. Out in the water extends the half-finished pier, where Martin tipped the blasted rock on October 19.

– I would back all the way out on the pier and stop a few metres from the edge. When I felt that I had come enough long I stayed, ” says Martin Andersson, and pointing towards the pier end of the year.

– I looked in the bakspeglarna and everything looked good, and I would start tipping. But then suddenly disappeared one rear wheel and dragging the whole machine down to the sea.

1 of 6 | Photo: Henrik Brunnsgård

On the almost completed roof of the four-storey building work plåtslagarna Martin Larsson and Christoffer Alperud. They have seen how the big hauler run out on the narrow pier.

When they get to see how the vehicle starts to slide down towards the water reigns of the blazing speed.

Suddenly I was on the other side of the building and I screamed, but everyone else was on break. We ran out on the bridge, but then I saw none of the hauler but just a bunch of paper from the cabin, which lay and floated on the surface, ” says Martin Larsson.

Open the window in 15 metre deep

Hauler continues now to sink down towards the bottom. On the site it is 15 meters deep. Inside the cabin, Martin is surprisingly quiet. He has got to learn that when a vehicles is on the way to rollover it can safest to be holding fast.

– I thought it was safest to stick in the wheel, but the hauler was pulled down into the depths. I could think of many terrible thoughts. I thought it would end like this, ” says Martin.

the Memories from the journey down in the depths, which lasted nearly a minute, have later reappeared in Martin’s nightmares. A minute is a very long time for anyone who thinks that he is going to die.

But die would Martin, after all, not to do.

– Once the hauler has stood still at the bottom, so I managed to open a box.

He did not remember exactly how he got out of the cab. But when he left it he was at a depth where the water is much colder than the water at the surface. Up on the pier stands plåtslagarna and looks down into the water . Christoffer alarm SOS.

– Suddenly floats a bit in front of us like a cork. Since the flows he lifeless on the stomach ten to fifteen metres out from the pier, ” says sheet metal worker, Martin.

He throws his jacket and jumps in the stream water.

He gets hold of the livlöse Martin and pulls him toward the shore, but with a few meters left, he is completely exhausted and need help.

– When I hear him call for help, I put the phone on a stone for the SOS doesn’t want me to put on. When I jumped in managed to we get him to the edge, ” says Christopher.

He will be sitting in on a stone in the water’s edge with Martin’s head in his lap.

Martin looked with open eyes, but his gaze was completely empty and he was completely lifeless.

Christopher gets the help of his colleague that slapping Martin in the back and chest.

– It felt like an eternity, but eventually there came a cough and then we turned him a little to. Then came the blood and fluid, ” says Christopher.

Life is returning thanks to the heroes

Thanks to the two plåtslagarnas effort began Martin’s wounded and hypothermic body to come to life.

After Christopher sounded the alarm 112 was a hefty rescue operation started. The first place was a search and rescue team and when the emergency services arrived formed the crew quickly two powerful led that made the stretcher could langas down from the edge of the rocky pier and the waiting ambulance.

The first days in hospital were held Martin nersövd, but slowly he has now been able to begin to return to their everyday lives.

– The first few nights I dreamed nightmares about the accident, ” he says, and shakes unpleasant.

It is too early to say whether he will be fully restored after the accident. He feels refreshed but is still on sick leave.

When Aftonbladet, a Swedish Heroes brings him back to the pier it is the first time he meets Christopher after the accident. They visit a little with caution, but Martin is very keen to celebrate their heroes.

– I feel an incredible gratitude. Without their efforts, had I not been standing here today, ” says Martin, and parts out the two large björnkramar.

– What you have done can not be described with words. THANK you!

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Foppa: You can be the next hero 00:33

languages was started by Aftonbladet in 2007.

Each year we write about hundreds of everyday heroes who demonstrated bravery, courage and humanity.

Of these appoints our jury seven heroes who is praised at the Swedish Heroes gala in december at Aftonbladet.see and TV3.

Nominate your hero below!

JACOB ANDERSSONARTIKELN IS OMÅrets Lifesaver+ FÖLJSvenska heroes+ FÖLJOlycka+ FÖLJTjörn+ FÖLJArbetsplatsolyckor+ FÖLJLÄS OCKSÅ6 October the SWEDISH HJÄLTARMalin, 40, survived the lightning strike – part of a 15-year-old son Emil2 december AFTONBLADET TVMartin, 47 trapped in hytten28 november SWEDISH HJÄLTARJiri was dead in 20 minutes – his friends thought he skämtade7 december SWEDISH HJÄLTARNu praised Ida and Arvid – pulled up 4-year-old from the bottom of the sjön13 October the SWEDISH HJÄLTARKristina, 62, saved the life of her husband, Jan, 64