The 63-year-old mother of 33-year-old Leila H. from Sint-Niklaas, who on Wednesday died on the street in The Ruyterlaan in the Dutch Clinge, is released. The Public prosecution service (OM) see her no longer as suspicious and goes out of suicide. For the house are several bunches of flowers. They are partly laid down by neighbors from the neighborhood that the family would like to support.

Wednesday night around 3 am, the 33-year-old woman was seriously wounded by stabbing with a sharp object. For the house of her mother to The Ruyterlaan dropped it in. Her mother was beating in panic with multiple houses. Several neighbors went outside to her bleeding daughter to help. In vain, she died of her injuries.

Read also Accused of stabbing Clinge remains held

The mother was on Wednesday arrested as a suspect. Yesterday decided to judge her longer to hold for research. Today concludes the TO that there was no reason for that. It would be suicide. “It is annoying that we in those circumstances the mother have held, but we were certainly on the side of caution,” says spokesperson Martine Pillar.

For the house now lay several bunches of flowers. “I want the family, as a heart under the belt cross,” says local resident Jeanine van Dorsselaer. “I’ll do it for that girl. It is a form of empathy. If her mother comes back then we are going to her if near all of your help. In all sorts of ways. She stood in front of 300 percent behind her daughter.”