In the fall created bloggdronninga Sophie Elise Isachsen (24), large headlines, and, not least, a ryktemølle, with his new book, “Love me”.
In the book, depicting an intense and unhealthy relationship with an unnamed prolific man, got more to speculate on who the man could be.
Now, however, “mystery” solved.
Gives commandments about an invasive and kinky love story. It is not.
Tuesday published Isachsen, the very first episode of the podcast “Status from Sophie and Fetisha”, which she has started up with her friend Fetisha M’lynn Williams.
Which reveals to her that the man she was obsessed with for over a year, which is the background for the whole book, are comedian Henrik Thodesen (38).
– He revealed himself
the Reason why Isachsen now choose to disclose the name of the mysterious man, is because she believes Thodesen even already have revealed it.
the Case continues below.
– One is a very much poorer man of the mountain Peaks Newspaper Plus
– When I have spoken publicly about Henrik, I have referred to him as “he” or “a person”, but a week ago, when Henry held a standupshow, I got sent several snapper that he has read out loud from the book mi, says Isachsen to her friend in podkastepisoden, and concludes that he is on the way has revealed itself.
– I have made a desperate attempt to anonymize him in the book. Made him older, and exchanged the profession of him, but now he has even said “hey, it’s me”, so then I can only say: “yes, it’s you,” continues the blogger.
NEW APPLICATION: “Sophie Elises world” on TV 2 Lifestyle, follow the blogger, author and artist Sophie Elise Isachsen through a heavy, but at the same time rewarding time. Video: TV 2 Show more Obsessed with
In the book to Isachsen will it come up that the duo will have been dating for over a year. Isachsen writes openly and honestly about how her obsession of Thodesen took the upper hand in her life and how she changed as a person in order to impress him.
She also writes about how Thodesen systematic to have been dating her in secret, and believes that he should have been too embarrassed to be with her out in public.
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– It is difficult for me to comment on something that is literature. Art should speak for itself, ” says Thodesen to the Newspaper.
the Book is not about me, it is about Sophie, emphasizes Thodesen.
Already before the book was released, knew Thodesen that Isachsen had written a book inspired by him.
– In contrast to the Deer family, I have decided neither to sue, or write a motbok. Sophie Elise is a cool lady, and if she sees the new series of my “Henrik Uber Alles”, so she is certainly happy that she did not ended up with a surrete guy like me, pronounces Thodesen to the Newspaper.
Dagbladet has not succeeded to get a comment from Sophie Elise Isachsen.
Henrik Thodesen came together with kameratens girlfriend, Tinashe Bakasa Roll, when Gucci opened a shop in oslo. Video: Nina Hansen / Dagbladet Show more Show more Romanserykter
For many there may come not as a shock that just Henrik Thodesen is the man in the much talked about book.
It was in may of 2016 that See and Hear, revealing that the toppbloggeren had found the tone with comedian Henrik Thodesen.
the Rumors that they had a fling going began to swirl after the duo on several occasions were observed closely omslynget on some of Oslo’s most popular venues.
does not Exclude family life: – On the way into a new era
just over A month after the romance became public knowledge, the hint they both about that flirty had taken the end.
We are very done with romanseryktene the rest of the gang, said Thodesen then See and Hear the met him during the Fox summer party at the time.
– It is not some thing longer, really, continued Thodesen cryptically with a cheeky smile on his face without having to elaborate what he meant.
– Difficult to talk about feelings
ever Since the mysterious relationship constantly been a hot topic, and it is rare that any of them have spoken out specifically about the relationship.
In september visited Thodesen the popular podcast “Ida with the heart in the hand”, where he was interviewed by Ida Fladen (32) about their former love life and life as a single.
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Vaguely he talked about why he believes that his previous relationship ended, and also why there was never something more between him and bloggerdronningen Sophie Elise Isachsen.
– I think it was kjemperart to date such a public person. And I remember that too from when I was together with Charlotte (Thorstvedt journ.anm.), when it once stood at the front of the VG that we are boyfriends, before we all had taken the conversation itself. I always find that it is a little difficult, he said.
Furthermore, in the podcast he stated that he believes most relationships he has had have taken the end because he hates to talk about feelings, something he confirmed when Dagbladet met him during the TV3s høstlansering in september.
I think it is … hear you, I start to hesitate again. I don’t want everyone to know how I feel it all the time. It is well that the I is for the private, then, said Thodesen.
Sophie Elise was stolen bokmanus: – Absolutely horrible