Showbiz Olga Leyers (21) on Instagram a very special request from a fan shared. Who asked whether her socks and strings wanted to sell. Olga went for advice to her sisters Ella (30) and Billie (24).

You get as a well-known personality quite a few proposals in your path, but this should be for Olga Leyers, one of the eigenaardigste have been. A fan asked her where her socks and strings to sell. “Hey Olga, I search on Instagram for beautiful women which I their socks and strings wants to buy. Are you there for?”, sounds request on Instagram.

also Read Olga Leyers looks back on the past year: “I want to be more like my mama”

Olga took a screenshot of the question and sent that to her sisters, Billie and Ella. Which first startled, clearly, but Ella responded with a laconic smile. “What gives”, she wrote as the answer.