Style as If it were not bad enough, was that the Crocs with platform shoes from Balenciaga all were sold out before they actually purchase, goes the American brand PizzaSlime now a step further. They created the first Crocs handbag.

The fashion world has Crocs for a while embraced. First, the British designer Christopher Kane she a marmerprintje and crystals, later a bontje. Demna Gvasalia at Balenciaga designed then again Crocs with a plateauzool under and then a few gummybeerroze Crocs-heels. And although just about the whole world they are on social media uitspuwde, there were still a lot more candidates than expected. Even for the Crocs of Balenciaga is actually to purchase were several webshops already have the sign ‘sold out’ out.

The American brand PizzaSlime clearly wants a piece of the action of the whole “trend” and made the shoe a hip belt pouch. Fortunately, there are only 50 copies made, in black and in yellow. For $ 300 (converted about £ 262) get your self a copy in the house.

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