Style The latest haartrend, which is actually not new at all? Rijstwater to keep your hair longer, softer and stronger. The popularity of the search term increased the past few months, with a whopping 2000%, and also the videos and blog post about this new haarwasritueel shoot like mushrooms from the ground.
to begin with, it is important to say that it isn’t new, is to wash your hair with rijstwater. Actually, this is an old Japanese tradition that the name yu-su-ru is wearing. Women in Japan wax, after all, for centuries their lure with rijstwater, to make them longer and stronger.
Difficult isn’t it, to your own rijstwaterspoeling. All you need is a cup of water, a cup of rice, a colander and an empty pot. Cover the water together with the rice in an empty pot, and stir well, until the water a milky white color. Pour then through the strainer, whereby the water back picks to use. With this fresh rijstwater you can then you rinse hair.
How it comes that rijstwater is so good for your hair (and even skin)? “It is rich in amino acids and vitamins, which your hair a boost and the faster you grow,” says Alyssa Hrisko of Seven Haircare at Byrdie. Not entirely illogical, if you know that rice is rich in protein. A cup of cooked wild rice contains six grams of protein, cooked brown rice four to five grams. Rice also contains the ingredient is inositol, which according to research helps in the restore of damaged hair.
No meaning to itself rijstwater? These products contain rijstproteïne, and make your life easier!