“SAS-travelers offered to reschedule after the threat of pilotstrejk”

“A big strike among SAS pilots is imminent.”

“Now offered to all travelers that book their tickets before the weekend.”

“It is thus the SAS travelers who have planned trips between Friday and Sunday that is now on offer to book their tickets, which the Echo was the first to report on. “

“This after to 1 500 pilots threaten to go on strike when the unions and the employer have not yet managed to agree on a new collective bargaining agreement on pilots’ working conditions and salary increases.”

“I have long had a conviction that we would find a negotiated solution, but now I feel that I am seriously concerned about it,” says Torbjörn Granevärn, it’s head of negotiations at the transport companies of the aviation industry to the Echo, and continue:”

” I’m really worried konfliktrisken.”

“If the parties fail to reach agreement expected to strike break out at midnight the night of Friday, april 26.”

“the Strike involves pilots in Sweden, Norway and Denmark. “