At the end of March, a wedding company has blocked on the A3 near Ratingen the roadway, the driver performed a Stunt and took pictures. The police investigated, then because of dangerous interference in road traffic and coercion. Now, seven residential objects in the area of Wesel have been searched, the officers found numerous evidence for sure. the
According to the car blockade of the A3 at the Ratingen through a wedding company, have been looking on Friday morning, several objects in the area of Wesel, in Dusseldorf. According to investigators, seven residential properties in Kamp-Lintfort, Moers, Neukirchen-Vluyn and Rheinberg, scans, and storage media, mobile phones and computers were seized. “In addition, the investigators found narcotics and suspected illegal drugs,” said a spokesman for the Dusseldorf police. The officials apparently had evidence that one of the residents, a weapon could have, therefore, the special operations command (SEK) to advanced.
according to The police, most of the Suspects police are supposed to be known, among other things, for violations of the weapons law, resistance against the state violence, as well as because of Violence.
The investigations relate to an incident on the evening of the 22. March. At that time, a civil the way noticed a patrol of three expensive, with flower-decorated sports car, with hazard lights on all lanes, and were flickering and the subsequent vehicles held. As the three sports cars remained in the middle of the highway, suddenly, passed a convertible and put the “Donuts drifting”, as the police officer quoted later. In this manoeuvre, the car launches with the rear tire and a gyro, the rubber of the tire leaves black marks on the Asphalt, in the shape of a Donut.
passengers of the other vehicles got out of their cars and accessible to the Smartphone. It was only when the men the police said, they ended the photo shoot. The police investigated, then because of dangerous interference in road traffic and coercion, and established the fact-finding Commission “Donut”.
Hochzeitskorsos, which are blocking roads in Germany are not a new phenomenon, in the past few weeks, they made more headlines. Also the Landtag in Düsseldorf has set itself apart with the topic. Minister of the interior, Herbert Reul (CDU) said after the first events: “highways and inner cities are no private Ballrooms.”
With a long Tradition of the Korsos not explain. In Turkey, there is the “Wedding block,” but only the cars of the wedding party will be stopped and have to pay a symbolic Toll.