“Swedish heroes and the living history Forum will get price”

“Aftonbladet Swedish heroes have always focused on the people who show moral courage – and the individuals who act when others are passive. Now have work, and cooperation with the Forum for living history, received the prize.”

“In October of 2018 started the exhibition ”matter” at the living history Forum in Stockholm. The aim was to give students an ” aha ” experience and awaken the thoughts of them: What is it that makes some people step in while others look on? And how I had myself acted? Among other things, visitors follow the events during the Holocaust, but also contemporary events that mirrors how people interact.”

“Aftonbladet Swedish heroes have been a part of the exhibition. Where have Aftonbladet lift stories from our contemporaries about the people who chose to intervene while the other stood by and watched. The exhibition has been going on in Stockholm during the autumn 2018 and spring 2019, and will from this autumn to tour around among the various cities in the country. “

“When the Association for educational development is now handing out the “Best teaching award” is the living history Forum and Swedish Swedish heroes as the winner. “

“the explanatory memorandum reads:n“In ‘Play the role’ lifted åskådarrollen forward in the light. A well-prepared educational software that shows the that the as not to intervene legitimizes the abuse. Through knowledge and reflection, provides students the tools to understand the different possibilities for action and to the individual’s choice to act plays a role.””

” We are extremely proud to be a part of this. The objective of the Swedish Heroes is just to get people to think about humanity and courage, ” says Helena Mastberg, project manager for the Swedish heroes.”

“– It is a great honour to have been voted as winners of the FUISMs members. A small receipt for the work that we do and especially fun when the workshop if the viewer has been proven to give the impression among both students and teachers, ” says Marcel Rådström, project manager at Forum for living history.”