– In the media, it seems that all the participants took part in the “Farm”-the cheated. It is not true. I was the only one that took a distance, tells tv profile Ronald a sled (39) to Dagbladet.

Ordered the pizza to “the Farm”-the farm. Got furious Gaute on your neck

NRK, the cohost refers to the revelations that came to the surface before the weekend, where it was known that this year’s “the Farm”-celebrities smuggled in large quantities of pizza, soft drinks and chocolate during the tv recording last summer.

Storsmuglingen took place via a contact person from a nabogård – behind your back on production – and culminating in the skyllebøtte from the host Gaute Grøtta Grave (39).


I think it is sad that the participants destroys the experience of being on “the Farm”, in this way. There is no compulsion to be on the program, and then it is disappointing that they behave so. Both for all of us who work hard to create this experience for them, and, not least, towards the viewers, told Grøtta Grave to Dagbladet on Friday.

TV NOISE: Erlend Elias think his little brother Erik Sæter had it real bad when he had to stand up several of the other farmers, during last week’s episode of the Farm Celebrity. Show more Show more

the Incident happened in the second innspillingsuka, which will begin on tv on Monday. The smuggling was going on, admittedly, while the cameras were turned off, and was first discovered later in the recording. Some participants will namely have maintained contact with a neighboring farm, and continued to plead to him various goodies.

Left the “Farm celebrity” after dramauke: – Very tough

the Participants Dagbladet has talked to, including the former kjendispredikanten Runar Søgaard (51), it is clear that pizza-smuggling was a joint project – even though the 51-year-old acknowledges that it was his idea.

– Kautokeino remained albeit away, ” says Søgaard Dagbladet

See Runar Søgaard tell about matjukset in the tv clip at the top of the case!

Had to hide the

With the “Kautokeino” mean Søgaard i.e. Ronald a sled. Even explains a sled that he thought very little about the meddeltakernes secret fråtseprosjekt.

PROVIDED: NRK-profile Ronald a sled (39) experienced meddeltakernes secret smugleprosjekt as uncomfortable, and took the full distance. Here from the beginning of the recording. Photo: Lars Eivind Bones / Dagbladet Show more

Actually I would not speak to me about this at all, but I got no choice since this came out, and therefore want to absolve myself, ” says 39-year-old, and continues:

– I went in on the “Farm” with a goal to live for tv-the concept’s own terms, and did not want to contribute to the offense. Seen this way it was very easy for me to say no to these goodies, ” he says.

a sled adds, nevertheless, cannot hide the fact that he had to make every effort to resist the temptation.

Butcher Klemetsens “the Farm”-criticism: – For a sutrekopp

It was not easy, I had to hide me in a bedroom to avoid pizzalukten. I will not say that I was angry, but I was definitely given and irritated. It ruined definitely a bit of “Farm”experience, and I think it was uncomfortable to go against the group.

– Deserved shut up

– Erik Sæter (meddeltaker, journ.anm) tells the videobloggen her that you are not taking part in the secret supper, because you didn’t like pizza?

– Yes, I pretended that I hated the pizza, not drinking soda or liked chocolate. The participants would certainly have a reason as to why I refused, and I didn’t feel that it suited you to tell the truth – of the tactical considerations. I would not that they should perceive me as crooked, says a sled.

the Case continues under the video.

RESPONDS: Several of the participants react sharply on the Trude Mostues leadership style. Although she believes that she could have been tougher. Show more

39-year-old could finally breathe a sigh of relief when the participants were caught by the production.

– I was acquitted in the plenary, and it was very good. Gaute was angry, but his jaw was deserved, ” he says.

– Rated at any time, to notify the production itself?

– No, I didn’t want to be unpopular in the group, so I pretended to be.

Will have stricter punishment

As several participants have already told, experienced a sled that Grøtta Sepulchre skjennepreken did great benefit, and that the group parked smuglevirksomheten. 39-year-old seems, nevertheless, that the stunt should have had greater consequences.

on “the Farm”-given the same treatment. Had in court

– We get very well paid to be there, so I suggested to the production that they could begin to impose sanctions against the future “the Farm”-juksemakere. As, for example, to draw them in salary, be chuckling NRK-profile.

press Contact for “Farm celebrity” in the TV 2, Alex Iversen, explains that they take “the Farm”-cheating seriously, and is going to sharpen the routines.

” It is important for us that those who say yes to participate, want to live like they did 100 years ago – and be to drive a farm with all that entails, good and bad. When participants break the rules, it is disappointing. We are going to put a greater emphasis on this when we pick out participants to new seasons, ” says Iversen.

He did not want to comment on what this might involve.

the Case continues under the video.

LURNINGER: Celebrities reveal what they were trying to smuggle into the Farm-yard.Show more Show more – Small, contrite children

Among the “Farm”-the celebrities Dagbladet spoke with last week, there were several penitent sinners:

– in other words, we got so much shut up, I have never seen an angrier person. “Peppes pizza, Pepsi Max, what the hell?” It was about like that. Even we sat there as a small, contrite children. It was with the one time, we dared not to do it again, told one of the participants, who wanted to remain anonymous.

Therefore she said yes to the “Torpet”

According to VG, it was Geir Hamnes, the manager for the participants Runar Søgaard, Kathrine Sørland, and Svein Østvik, as punget out for pizzaleveransen at a total of nok 5000.

– It is not something I can explain away. Runar called me from an unknown number, I answered him and thought “No, he is out of the program already”. He said that he was standing there with Svein and asked if I could vippse money. I had no idea what I was going to say, and could in a way do not say no. But I have learned from this. I represent the people that may be relevant in the next round of the “Farm celebrity”, and to not let myself be fooled again, he says to VG.

Reprove dyrestunt: – Hope as many people as possible takes away from the “Farm”