The deaths in Bjärred+ FÖLJPolisen is expected to provide answers about Bjärred-ärendetTvå adults and two children were found dödaNYHETER

Police investigation of the family in Bjärred presented in the morning.

In the house was found a letter of farewell in which it emerged that the parents had agreed to kill their children and commit suicide.

– We will tell you orally how our work has gone to, ” said Ewa-Gun Westford, police presstalesperson.

The very high-profile case came to light on January 9 this year.

the Daughters in the family had home-schooled for medical reasons. A teacher rang the bell at the villa in Bjärred outside Lund and got no response. When the father did not show up at a conference that he would lead alerted your colleagues to the police.

A mom, dad and their two daughters were found dead in the house. The girls were 11 and 14 years old.

farewell note signed by the parents

A major police investigation was launched, and ten days later, police announced that they had found a farewell note in the villa, that brought some clarity in what happened. The parents had jointly made the decision to kill their children and then commit suicide, according to the letter.

1 of 3 | Photo: Krister Hansson9 January found a family dead in a villa in skåne, Bjärred.

”the Reason described in the letter was that they didn’t have any quality of life or future because of their daughters ‘ sjukdomssituation. The letter was signed by both parents,” wrote the police on their website.

”A family in deep crisis”

for which diseases that the girls suffered from has not been widely known. The principal of the girls ‘ school has previously said to Aftonbladet that the school tried to help the two girls ”as much as possible”.

But she had not seen the tragedy coming.

– We have lived with this family and tried to help it in several years. It is clear that there was a family in deep crisis that was plagued by their circumstances, ” said Margareta Strand Karlsson to the newspaper Aftonbladet in January.

”We will talk about the work”

On Monday, police announced that their investigation is almost complete.

– It remains only a part of the administrative measures, ” says Ewa-Gun Westford, police presstalesperson.

due to the sensitive nature of the issue she doesn’t want to lead Tuesday’s press conference, held at the Rättscentrum in Malmö at 10.15.

– We will tell you orally how the work has gone to. Because the case has been so media and citizens been so interested so we want to give the information at the same time, ” says Ewa-Gun Westford at the police.