Style did you Know that the inside of the average handbag is dirtier than a TOILET seat? Now that we have that fun fact with you have shared we will be happy to about to the order of the day: the cleaning of the inner lining of your handbag.

The first thing you should do when cleaning your handbag is, they are of course completely empty. Time then and shake all the crumbs and dust out. Pull the fabric lining of your bag carefully out and clean it with a cloth soaked in warm water with soap. Note, however, that you the leather trim of the bag is not too wet.

it is Important to make sure that the lining as quickly as possible dries. You can choose your bag in front of the radiator, with the lining outward, or you can do this simply with a hairdryer to get started.

your leather bag no lining? You can always special schoonmaakspray for leather use. There is a dirty smell in your bag? Put your bag on a stable surface and place a jar filled with baking soda in. Let your bag for 24 hours, so that the odor in the baking powder can attract.

Because a new handbag is always a good idea: our 3 favorites this week