Maria, the weight of comments were made about eating disorders in a specialized unit.Friday-documentary in see also 18-year-old Iris, Yle
the 24-year-old Maria is an eating disorder. He told me about his illness today, Friday-documentary in which a visit to an eating disorder center.
a short documentary To eat it is submitted to the Annu Laine , and it is a part of TV1 on Friday to discuss the program.
at Least five times daily department dining not the Maria problem. By contrast, he’s scared of the situation, with a familiar, safe and pre-measured food servings is not. Therefore, eating at home is clearly more difficult.
Always Mary has not managed to get treatment.
– the Worst in my experience is that eating disorders specialist from the unit said I could come back then, when my weight is lower.
Mary wants to remind you, however, that eating disorders can be any weight at all.
– People may have bulimia, and she could die of a heart attack without anyone from the outside will notice, that is an eating disorder.
in the Documentary, Maria is preparing for the day the patient for the transition. Change scares in advance. The reason is obvious.
– I have the symptoms of specifically when I was alone, Maria told the situation boldly.
Katja, 30, improved eating disorder care of the child with: an Eating disorder is not what you have on your plate. Video person not related to the TV to see the task programme.
Friday tonight TV1:ts, at 21: 05.