“Travel to the world’s best festivals in years”

“Reseredaktören Johan Gunnarsson gives his best tips”

“Dance yourself tired in Rio, enjoy beer and bratwurst in Munich – or party the night away at the Mardi Gras in New Orleans. nAftonbladets reseredaktör Johan Gunnarsson lists the festivals you won’t want to miss this year. “

“Throbbing sambarytmer, glittering sequins and dancing people everywhere you look. The carnival in Rio de Janeiro is often described as karnevalernas carnival. “

“– It is actually the world’s best party. But carnivals are celebrated not only in Rio, they celebrate in more places in Brazil, ” says Johan Gunnarsson, reseredaktör at Aftonbladet. “

“But if you want to experience the greatest of the greatest so it is of course Rio de Janeiro to visit. Johan believes that the major advantage of Rio is that you get the whole colorful, plymvajande festive spectacle. The downside is that you are only a spectator. There are many sambaskolor who want to show off their skills and it gives you a large space for the public to be with. “

” If you go up to Olinda or Fortaleza in the northeast are much more participants, yourself and dance on the streets and eating grilled cheeses and Caipirinhan flowing. In addition, is brassarna immensely pleasant to hang out with and easy to talk with. They have always in mind that people dance a little bit wacky, ” says Johan Gunnarsson. “

“Everyone is partying,”

“But it is not only South-America, which offers dance and party. Mardi Gras in New Orleans is also a colourful party. Celebrating before the påskfastan and it starts on the Saturday before shrove Tuesday and continues until midnight on shrove Tuesday. “

“– Where are all the with and party. The rhythms and the music makes it absolutely impossible to stand still. It is a fucking drag, with people dancing and everyone is happy. It is very brassorkestrar and cajunkäk, ” says Johan Gunnarsson. “

“If you don’t want to travel as far so is the Oktoberfest in Munich a wonderful alternative. Although it is called oktoberfest, starts always in september. The party is held at the Theresienwiese every year. The festival has, of course, a big focus on beer, where the eight largest breweries have their own large tent. The gratuity of seven million litres of beer during the oktoberfest. “

“– In the middle between the tents are a great ”pompapompa”-orchestra running monotonous all the time. And the waitresses and the waiters certainly has the world’s strongest hands they carry five, seven beer glasses in each hand, ” says Johan Gunnarsson, who has visited the festival several times. “

“But even if the music is central, so is not so much focus on dance and movement in Munich, the party is more about the beer and food. “

” it– It’s very very sedentary at the Oktoberfest, but it is super nice. You eat the pretzels, a type of pretzel, and so you eat bratwurst and sauerkraut.”

“of Course we have several wonderful festivals in Sweden also. Johan Gunnarsson proposes to Sweden Rock in Blekinge, if you are motorintresserad can Power Meet in Västerås to be an option. “