A man and a woman is found dead at a property on Helnæs in South.

– We find two deceased persons on Helnæs. A man is arrested and charged with the killing of the two, says Torben Jakobsen, vagtchef at Funen Police, to Ekstra Bladet.

Found was made at 15.11 Sunday afternoon at the Helnæs Byvej, where there is a farm.

According to Extra Magazine’s man on the ground keeps the 12-13 cars from the police at the site. He also says that the whole area around the farm is blocked by – the flashing blue lights lit the sky up and can therefore be seen at a long distance.

the Man was according to the vagtchefen arrested in the vicinity of the property, where they killed were found.

Extra Leaf was at 20.30 on Sunday, in contact with The Police again, who told me that the woman was in Makrobet the middle of the 70’s, and that the man was between 40 and 50 years old. They were found in a courtyard.

– There is talk about knivdrab with many tricks, and it’s so dramatic, told vicepolitiinspektør at Funen Police Jørgen Andersen for the Extra Magazine and continues:

– The two victims had in our information, no relation. It is the woman who lives on the property, while the male victim probably randomly come to the spot – maybe with some wood, which he also has been knivdræbt.

The Police says, that they in the first place was taken to the Helnæs in connection with ‘another politiforretning’.

– We will come there, because the more people call us when they are uncomfortable with a person, which goes around in the area down there. It is the same person that we arrest subsequently, saith the vagtchefen.

The person arrested is, according to the vagtchefen younger than they killed. How much younger is, however, unknown.

He says, that there were witnesses to the incident.

Photo: Tim Kildeborg Jensen

See also: Police reveal gruesome details: the Victims were knivdræbt with many connectors