Top model Vilma Bergenheim was in advance thought that mental strength would be his trump card to cope with the English program.”I didn’t think I was quite so gaunt-looking”. Vilma Bergenheim told the Cope with English-description.

Supermodel Vilma Bergenheim , 36, suffered a serious panic attack in the middle Cope with English-description. The program was filming in the water related to the competition, when Bergenheim got in the water I panicked.

I’ve never before had a panic attack, it was so scary. It had been a really rough day anyway, and we heimossamme was a very tense situation all the time. Come crying, that does this make any sense.

Bergenheim got a situation professional help from a Dutch production company of the doctor, but he was so in shock situation, I don’t remember what happened.

I’m not a good swimmer, but I didn’t think anything would happen. I continued to the next day and the next task, it is not treated, that kind of happened to the others, he says.

top model Survivor-the experience was tough both physically and mentally. In advance he had speculated that mental strength would be his strength, but the tribal council in attendance and the game belonging to the intrigue and the playoffs causing pressure.

Every minute I was wondering how to cope with further and how our team can win. Even now I am so stressed out just talking about this. When it is tired, hot, and not food, is pretty broken. Then comes the nasty men and boys, he said, referring to ice hockey player Sean Bergenheimia .

Also one sided diets effect on the body surprised. Bergenheim told to eat its everyday life diversely, but the Survivors after the “body go crazy”. Her hair and skin to become chloasma. Also the weight falls off.

I Was really shocked when I saw myself for the first time to cope with the after. I didn’t think I was quite so gaunt looking. All there weight was, but I was already slim. It was a man, too pretty to shock.

He told me that in may began the program of health problems caused by the regeneration lasts until late autumn.

top model Vilma bergen heimille to cope with the English descriptions were a tough experience both physically and mentally. Jenni Gästgivar20190122 Helsinki, to cope with the English in the second season, top model Vilma Bergenheim PHOTO: JENNI GÄSTGIVAR / IL Jenni Gästgivar

to survive in the English top Four on Sunday 3. February, at 20.