
Political Party Websites Attacked by Hackers

Several political parties have reported that their websites have been targeted by hackers. The sites have either been or were difficult to access due to DDoS attacks. This was problematic for voters who were looking to gather information about candidates for the European elections and their stances today.

The CDA stated on X: “This morning, the CDA website was temporarily less accessible due to a severe DDoS attack. On election day, we consider this an attack on free, democratic elections. We are reporting this to the relevant authorities.” The websites of PVV and FvD were also temporarily down. FvD leader Baudet mentioned that “the entire team is working overtime to fend off the attack.” He jokingly added, “Russians?”

Pro-Russian Hackers

The attacks could indeed be coming from that direction, as reported by ANP, specifically from the hackers of the pro-Russian Hacknet group. “We continue to target the websites of the Netherlands and their parties,” the group wrote on Telegram.

In a DDoS attack (Distributed Denial of Service), computer servers are bombarded with large amounts of data traffic, causing the servers to become congested and leaving no space for regular internet traffic.

In conclusion, the recent cyber attacks on political party websites have raised concerns about the security of online information and the potential impact on democratic processes. It is crucial for authorities to investigate these incidents and take necessary measures to protect against future attacks.