Michael jackson told me to kohudokumentti Leaving Neverland is presented on yle on April 2. day.Michael Jackson died in June 2009 at the age of 50. dpa picture alliance / Alamy Stock photos, dpa picture alliance / Alamy Sto

Yle TV2:ssa and the arena in see 2. April Docventures special broadcast, which is presented in two parts kohudokumentti Leaving Neverland.

a Documentary about the pop star Michael Jackson against children from sexual abuse.

the Document is initialized and is unloaded after I watched Docventures way together expert guests to discuss. Also, viewers can participate in the conversation at yle.fi/docventures.

– the monthly sensation the film’s world premiere after being found not-example-discussion of the tragic pop icon’s guilt or innocence. However, we want Docventures special act to make a movie what it’s supposed to do: we Want to offer Finnish viewers the opportunity to deal with this extremely painful topic more generally and more personally, Docventures, Tunna Milonoff said.

– Leaving Neverland is extremely important, because it all järkyttävyydessään a responsibility to contribute to the question of why sexual crimes to remain silent often for so long.

Docventures Riku Rantala to remind, that the whole world has known for a long time of Michael jackson’s children against the sexual abuse suspicions.

– in the Past these allegations have been taken even joked. #metoon after the world has changed irrevocably. The hollywood child star of the dark secrets of the members and the church of the extensive abuse cases show that young people subjected to sexual crime is much expected more common. Not to mention the fresh news investments, online predators, for whom the internet still offers a better chance to act, Rantala said.

the Documentary-the night time is planned to open crisis on-call phone, which those interested can make a call.

– If one victim of a sexual assault or the young who lives for the good use of the threat decided to call and get help, we have managed, Rantala said.

Documents show was brought forward a subject of topicality.

originally Leaving Neverland to be submitted to the Finnish broadcasting company Yle in the autumn as part of the docventures the new season.

– As the document topic is really important and it’s trending right now, we changed our plans and we decided to make a special delivery already this spring, Yle TV2 programme manager Richie sarah’s created by said.

– docventures was Riku and tunna of reading the topic will be increasingly important. Known is a tough and touching evening.

Docventures special: Leaving Neverland Yle TV2:ssa and arena in 2.4. at 20 from. Documentary, both episodes are available on Yle Areena for next Tuesday already 00.01.

the Document deals with some tough topics, so it is not recommended for children and in particularly susceptible individuals.