The game on the power+ FÖLJStefan Löfvens chance for new government to can be determined – information at 10Annie Lööf tells how the Centre party, set sigSAMHÄLLE

During the day is expected information on how far the parties reached in regeringsfrågan and Stefan Löfvens opportunities to form a new government.

the Centre party Annie Lööf has called for press conference at 10 o’clock.

Already now it is clear that C and L are going to vote on their own budgets, which can make M/KD-the budget goes through.

During the weekend, all the parties involved in the regeringssamtalen, the social democrats, the green Party, the Centre party and the Liberals, met in their respective parties to talk about the ongoing negotiations.

Loof provide information

During the day today is expected, therefore, the information on how the work will proceed. Annie Lööf has called for press conference at 10 o’clock, where the information on how C should act as expected.

in Addition, it is clear that the president, Andreas Norlén’ll tell you how he intends to proceed with the regeringsprocessen, after talks with Stefan Löfven.

the President has previously announced that the parliament will get to vote on whether the S-leader as prime minister, when it will happen is still unclear.

1 of 8 | Photo: Urban Andersson, the Parliamentary president Andreas bonus veren siteler Norlén arrives at parliament house on Monday morning.Vote on their own budgets

In the morning, the members of the finance committee had a meeting. The meeting lasted just a few minutes.

Both the L and the C announced afterwards that they have changed the idea so far. Both parties will vote on their own budgets and then abstain in the final vote. This means that the M/KD’s reservation will go through with the support of the SD.

– As it looks now, we will put down our votes. Our policy is the best for Sweden, where after we follow the practice, ” says Mats Persson, economic spokesperson (L).

Will the M/KD-budget win?

– There are ongoing discussions on the formation of governments, but right now we are going to take responsibility for the Swedish people, that there is a budget for Sweden so that the country can roll on.

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at the same time, he stresses that the negotiations in the regeringsfrågan can come to change the way you do.

– It is clear that should something happen in the regeringsfrågan so it can change our behaviour, but as it looks right now we will vote on our budget, and then abstain in the final vote, ” says Persson to the TT.

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