quality journalism is the best antidote to the wave of misinformation that travels around the world. This is the message that the speakers of the annual conference of the Association of Media Information (AMI) were exposed yesterday in a day in which the editors destemmed formulas to obtain new income by means of subscription digital media. The president of AMI, Javier Moll, recalled that he has never consumed as much information as it is now and claimed responsibility for the rigor and credibility as key elements for the survival of the press.

The surprise of the session came from the hand of the Turkish journalist exiled in Berlin Can Dündar, who came to Madrid almost in secret to circumvent the international order of search and arrest that weighs on him. Accused by the regime of Recep Tayyip Erdogan of a “terrorist” for reporting the sale of weapons from Turkey to syrian rebels in 2014, he remained in prison for several months and was the object of an attack at the gates of the court in which he was judged.From exile to claim freedom of expression in a country in which 90% of the media are under the control of Erdogan. “Journalism is a dangerous job, but we have to defend the truth and fight for democracy,” he said.

in Addition to ensuring a free press and bet on relevant content, publishers are faced with the challenge of achieving new revenue streams. Responsible for editorial development of the Swedish newspaper Dagens Nyheter, Martin Jönsson, raised the situation by which crosses the sector: “we Need a press financially sustainable to maintain quality journalism. We have lost a lot of advertising revenues, which are passed to the tech giants”. Jönsson explained that the 77% of the users Swedish pay for something, whether it be movies, music or news. To win (and retain) subscribers, said that the best recipe is the quality journalism and gave the example of the accusations of sexual in the Retrobet Swedish academy of literature, they reported 150,000 new subscribers. “If we want people to pay we have to be the best,” he argued. In a few months expect to have more digital subscribers than print.

has Also been rapid growth of Political Europe, the most influential of the EU, which has several payment models: the web version, click on events, and whose prices depend on the type of user, as stated its director of business development, Gilhean Slater. With offices in London, Berlin, Brussels and Paris, this consortium has 60 journalists of 20 nationalities, currently embarking on a large deployment on the european elections next may 26.

Another of the challenges of the press is set up retaining walls against the proliferation of fake news. That is the hallmark of The Trust Project, a project that was born as a seal of confidence of digital media for the public to know what the news are true and which are false. Its director, Sally Lehrman, stressed that The Trust Project has the participation of almost a hundred of headers international, including THE COUNTRY, who commit to abide by a code of ethics with high standards of transparency and reliability.

More than 17 million daily readers

readers of newspapers continue to grow. This year will exceed $ 17.5 million per day (1.7% more than in 2017), according to forecasts in the report prepared by Deloitte and Media Hotline for the Association of Media Information (AMI). Readers that consume media only in digital format or that combine paper and digital represent 66% of the total, which is almost six points higher than a year ago.

According to this study, the readers of paper decreased by 13.4% while consumers of digital media, a rise of 12.2 per cent. At the same time, users of paper and digital rise 7.7%

After years of severe cuts, the advertising investment in the press is stabilized, thanks above all to the push of the ads in digital, which grew by more than 14% and contribute to offset the 6% fall experienced by the role. The report notes that, for the first time, revenues from advertising sales exceed the sale of copies, and now account for 52% of the net amount of the turnover.