THE american MAGAZINE ‘Science’ celebrates, in a long editorial Roberto Burioni, for his battles in favour of the vaccines in Italy. “In may 2016 – it begins the long article devoted to the virologist, and written by Douglas Starr – the Roberto Burioni , of the University Vita-Salute San Raffaele of Milan, was invited to appear on a popular television talk show to face two opponents of vaccines: an ex-Dj, Red Ronnie, an actress and television personality, Eleonora Brigliadori. The conductor has devoted much time to the Italian celebrities. Then, with only a few more minutes available, he turned to Burioni. He realized that he would not have had the time to do the usual discussions on statistical and scientific certainty, and then launched with a simple message: ‘The Earth is round, the gasoline is flammable, and the vaccines are safe and effective. All the rest are lies dangerous'”. From that moment, stresses the editorial began, the parable of Burioni as a champion and defender of vaccines in our Country, with millions of people who have started to follow him and listen to his advice. “The doctor has returned to the theme on his page Facebook, asking how it was possible that one branch of government could convey lies about vaccines, while the health agency promoting immunization. More than 5 million people have responded with their comments.”

Burioni commented on Twitter the article “to Publish my research on the ‘Science’ has always been my dream, and have never succeeded – she wrote -. I would never have thought of starring in an editorial of 4 pages. Thanks to all. Now I can retire and tell all my grandchildren”.

“In a few years – continues the editorial – has moved from being a professor at a respected but little-known to a great media personality and a defender of science on the Internet. In a Country where the government has at times promoted the medicine in question is the thrust of the columnist – as the stem cell therapies could not be demonstrated, Burioni became a supporter pure of scientific evidence on vaccines and other medical topics, and a hard critic of pseudoscience. Almost 480mila people now follow him on Facebook, an impressive number in a Country of 60 million. A Web page created by him and his colleagues to provide general information about health gets over 100k visitors per month”.

‘Science’ is reminiscent of the first raid on the social media Burioni, in 2015, when a friend who had created a group on Facebook for mothers, and asked to write a post about vaccines. “Burioni, already irritated by the increasing movement antivaccini Italian, agreed. ‘I felt that it was my duty to do something as a medical doctor, professor and father of a 8 year old daughter’. He feared that the push to resist the vaccinations could put at risk her and her classmates. He has published a rebuttal in the five points of the misconceptions about vaccines and popular of the conspiracy theories, including the idea that the pharmaceutical companies promote the vaccination to increase profits. ‘The pharmaceutical companies gain much more from the treatments for the diseases from the vaccines’, he said. ‘So if you don’t vaccinate your children, the pharmaceutical companies will be sincerely grateful'”. Praise all round for the battles of Burioni on the part of one of the most important international scientific publications.

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