You will still have to wait a bit before you travel freely in Portugal. As if this Monday, June 15, and after the announcements of Emmanuel Macron on Sunday evening, virtually all the countries of the Schengen area re-opened their borders, Spain won’t throw the controls to own that on June 21, with France and only on the 1st of July with Portugal. A period of time decided because of an outbreak of the coronavirus, including in the region of Lisbon.

According to the bulletin of the directorate-general of health of the Portuguese government of Sunday evening, the regions of Lisbon and the Tagus valley, focus 206 of the 227 new cases of coronavirus detected in the last 24 hours in Portugal. It is the second country after Sweden to know this situation.

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waiting for the déconfinement total of the country, and access by land at all, the restrictions of movement imposed since 16 march at the border luso-Spanish to remain in force. A small evolution, just the same : four points of passage by road come to be open to traffic in the north of the country – Melgaço , Miranda do Douro , Monção and Vila Nova de Cerveira , in addition to the nine already existing : Valença (Viana do Castelo), Vila Verde da Raia (Chaves), Quintanilha (Bragança), Vilar Formoso (Guarda), Termas de Monfortinho (Castelo Branco), Marvão (Portalegre), Caia (Elvas), Vila Verde de Ficalho (Beja) and Castro Marim (Faro).

For the moment, only the French who have an actual residence in Portugal, but also students whose courses were taken over, may join the country. During the transit in Spain, no quarantine will be imposed on them, or on arrival. The various certifications, including the new one, which allows to operate on Spanish soil, is available to download on the website of the embassy of France in Portugal. All the details of the trip are very regularly updated.

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By plane , anyone who wants to go to Portugal will not be challenged by any constraint. Here again, no obligation to quarantine. The temperature of the newcomers will simply be raised, thanks to the thermal imaging cameras installed in airports to detect passengers with fever. A period of isolation may be advised. On the other hand, a quatorzaine will be imposed on the Madeira (in a hospitality establishment dedicated) and the Azores (at the hotel or at home).

When the air traffic , the three main airports in continental Portugal – Lisbon, Porto and Faro are open. The TAP and Air France fly daily from Paris and the Portuguese capital. The French company also offers several flights a week to Porto. And starting this Monday the 15th of June, thanks to Transavia, it will be possible to travel from Nantes to Lisbon and Lyon to Faro. Ditto for some of the flights to Porto. No flights will take off, in contrast to Paris, for the moment, because Transavia take off from paris-Orly airport, which will reopen its doors on Friday, June 26. Ryanair, for its part, did not resume until 21 June.

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Portugal will therefore have to wait to review an influx of international tourists, a very expected yet. To reassure them, a label that guarantees that the tourist operators have implemented a health protocol called “Clean & Safe”, has been in place since April 24. Since then, thousands of restaurants, hotels or tourist operators have obtained and agree to abide by strict rules of hygiene and safety. Thus, on 5 June, the country was the first in Europe to receive the label “Safe Travels”, awarded by the World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC), an association of more than 200 enterprises in the tourism sector.

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Among the innovations the Portuguese, some concerning the beaches. A few weeks ago, Jean-Pierre Pinheiro, director of the office of tourism of Portugal, explained to the Figaro the major axes. “For the beaches, it is requested that a distance of 1.5 m between each person (except for the same family) and it will be necessary to respect a distance of 3 m between the umbrellas.

Concerning the sports activities, they will be prohibited to more than 2 people, except for the courses in surfing or similar sports with schools. Finally, there will be a signage by color : green for occupancy low, orange for high occupancy, and red for full occupancy.”
Finally, one app, ” Info Praia “, in order to facilitate the dissemination of information in real-time is available since a month, it is advisable for travellers to avoid the access to the areas of orange and red.

SEE ALSO “If you travel abroad, go to travel agencies”. insists the director of the cabinet Protourisme