The 16-year-old Shigo from Spain has throughout his life fought hard to be himself and he is met with prejudice, malice and gross bullying.

But the 16-year-old boy has managed to create a platform as a successful Drag Queen with an unusual talent. With the help of make up he namely transform into iconic characters.

These characters range from Regina George from the film ‘Mean Girls’ to Cruella de vil from the Disney film ‘101 Dalmatians’. But Shigo has also turned himself into famous people from the world of reality, including the Pete Burns from the 80s band ‘Dead and Alive’.

he says in a great interview with the news Media Drum World.

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Here Shigo with the make up turned into Regina George from the film ‘Mean Girls’. (Photo: Media Drum World)

In a video interview with Oneg has Shigo also explained about his so-called liquid sex:

– I do not see myself as either boy or girl, but something in between. I’m just Shigo. I don’t like to call myself a gay man or a heterosexual woman. I like to call myself for Shigo and Shigo like the boys, tells Shigo cards and cash.

Shigo, who is now living in Spain, tells that he is already at a very young age discovered his passion for drag. He was particularly fascinated by the female Disney villains, because they could simultaneously be both powerful and sexy.

– I was only three years old, when I first came to interest for the drag. I took my mother’s black eye shadow and her red lipstick, and then dressed myself out wearing a black wig and witches hat for Halloween. I clearly remember the feeling of freedom it gave me, ” says Shigo.

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Shigo jumps here on the imaginative show off as Cruella de vil from the Disney film ‘101 Dalmatians’. (Photo: Media Drum World)

In spite of his young years, Shigo already on the social media experienced death threats and other forms of evil. He has his own instagram profile, where he regularly put lots of pictures out of his incredible transformations.

– I love the change. The fact that my face is a blank canvas, where I literally can do what I want. And if you do not like the result, you can always wash it with soap and water, says Shigo and adds:

– My family and friends have always supported me. My whole family works in the art world, and they have always told me that I needed to find something that made me happy.

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And here is the Shigo as Pete Burns from 80’s band ‘Dead and Alive’. (Photo: Media Drum World)

In spite of the great support from friends and family have Shigo experienced great hardship as well as serious bullying in connection with his school days:

– Lots of people I did not know, sent me messages on instagram and said that I should kill myself, and that I was the personification of the devil.

– Since many in the school found out that I was drag, I was called for hooker, crossdresser, transsexual, and it is pure rubbish.

And since last year I changed school, some students from my old school on my new school and told me that I was peculiar, and that I wanted to get a gender reassignment surgery, says Shigo and adds:

– I have been beaten to go with make-up. I have been spat on. I have been his friend, and I have been exposed to nethad. I have been ridiculed by my entire school.

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Shigo in the unusual creation with the pink hair. (Photo: Media Drum World)

Shigo says, however, that he more or less don’t care:

– I know that I have talent, and that I am passionate. And it is no one can take from me. My own pleasure is the most important. In the end it is my body and my choice. This life is a gift to me, and I will do exactly what suits me with my life.

See many more exciting pictures here on Shigos instagram profile

below you can see how Shigo looks like in reality:

Shigo shows here how he looks in reality. (Photo: Media Drum World)

In the image gallery at the bottom of the article you can see even more of the Shigos amazing forvandlingsbilleder.