For a lot of people, the desire to maintain a healthy diet often takes a backseat due to hectic schedules. The spirit is willing, though, as data shows that 44% of Gen Z Americans are trying to eat healthier. With the advent of innovative kitchen gadgets in recent years, one could say that the journey towards healthier eating has become a little easier. 

In this article, we will look at three kitchen gadgets that can help you achieve your healthy eating goals. So, without further delay, let’s jump right into it.

1. Air Fryers

Air fryers have emerged as one of the best solutions for those yearning for fried food without the associated health risks. How do they work? Well, these devices use hot air to cook food with a fraction of the oil that you usually need in conventional frying recipes. Therefore, one could argue that air fryers are a great first step toward healthier cooking practices.

The aesthetic appeal of air fryers, coupled with their functional benefits, makes them a popular choice among health-conscious individuals. They are compact and sleek, fast to use, and enhance your overall cooking experience.

What Are Their Health Benefits?

The health benefits of air fryers are predominantly anchored in their ability to reduce oil usage. This also goes a long way toward reducing calorie intake. Some studies show that this reduction can be up to 70-80% when compared to traditional frying methods. If you are someone trying to lose weight, this benefit is a game changer.

Beyond weight management, the reduction in oil intake also has positive implications for heart health. Food cooked in air fryers is less likely to increase cholesterol levels and the risk of heart-related issues. In this manner, they become your ally in promoting cardiovascular health.

What Are Their Disadvantages?

Air fryers do have a few downsides. For one, they can potentially overcook or dry out food, especially if you aren’t monitoring things closely. Similarly, the high-speed air circulation, while helpful in reducing cooking time, does require a learning curve to achieve the best results.

The capacity of air fryers can also pose limitations for large families, and high-volume air fryers can get quite expensive. This means that if you are making a lot of food, you need to prepare it in multiple batches. That can be a deal-breaker for many people.

2. Pressure Cookers

The pressure cooker is one of the most efficient cooking tools that you can invest in. Not only do they save you a lot of time, but they are also energy efficient. Pressure cookers are believed to consume 24% less energy than conventional cooking methods.

They can also help you retain the nutritional value of many food items. As the name suggests, a pressure cooker creates a sealed environment and elevates the internal pressure under which food is cooked.

Pressure cookers are extremely versatile, and you can cook anything from legumes to meat in them. Modern versions often come with preset cooking modes and safety features. This makes them indispensable for people with busy lives. The ability to prepare nutritious meals in a fraction of the time is a significant advantage.

What Are Their Health Benefits?

One of the salient benefits is its ability to preserve nutrients. According to Dr. Grundy, pressure cooking may actually ensure better preservation of antioxidants and other nutrients than other cooking methods.

Unlike conventional cooking, which may cause nutrient loss due to extended cooking times, pressure cookers retain a higher percentage of vitamins and minerals. This is crucial for individuals aiming to maximize the nutritional value of their meals.

The speed of cooking is another notable benefit. It’s not just about saving time; it’s about reducing the energy consumption associated with cooking. Pressure cookers, by virtue of their design, are energy-efficient, making them an eco-friendly choice for modern kitchens.

Furthermore, pressure cookers promote healthier cooking practices by reducing the need for oil and fat. The sealed environment locks in moisture, ensuring the food remains tender and flavorful without the addition of excess fats.

What Are Their Disadvantages?

Despite their numerous benefits, pressure cookers have their share of disadvantages. There’s always that question in the back of your mind: “Can a pressure cooker explode?” The answer, unfortunately, is yes.

According to TorHoerman Law, pressure cooker accidents happen every year. The buildup of pressure is inherently dangerous, and mechanical failures can occur from time to time. This is why you want to be extra careful when using pressure cookers.

Besides the safety aspects, there’s also a learning curve associated with pressure cooking. Understanding the correct settings and timing is key to preventing overcooked or undercooked food.

3. Digital Food Scale

The digital scale is a tool of precision that has found its place in many modern kitchens. It serves as a reliable companion for people wanting to practice portion control, a key aspect of healthy eating.

With a digital food scale, cooking also becomes easier as the confusion around ingredient measurements becomes straightforward. A digital scale gives you the accuracy needed to maintain a steady nutritional balance.

What Are Their Health Benefits?

Naturally, when you are precise with what you eat, the risk of overeating isn’t as high.

The ripple effect of accurate portion control also leads to better management of chronic conditions like diabetes, where monitoring carbohydrate intake is crucial.

Thus, the digital food scale can be an indispensable tool for those who want to maintain strict dietary restrictions.

What Are Their Disadvantages?

While digital food scales are a boon for precise measurement, they may inadvertently foster an obsessive behavior toward food weighing. This could lead to anxiety or stress, especially among individuals prone to disordered eating. It may create a dependency that makes eating without the scale a daunting task.

Lastly, the accuracy of digital food scales isn’t a guarantee unless you invest in expensive models. For most scales, you will need to regularly calibrate and maintain them to ensure accuracy. Neglecting this aspect could lead to inaccurate readings, which defeats the primary purpose of the scale.


The journey towards a healthier lifestyle is a blend of conscious choices and the right tools. The air fryer, pressure cooker, and digital food scale emerge as great tools in this quest. Some benefits are more indirect, as in the case of digital scales, while others like the nutrient-preserving nature of pressure cooking are direct and beneficial.

While they bring several benefits to the table, you should be aware of their potential disadvantages before investing in one. Always read the user manual and learn how to safely operate these devices before using them.