“5 fajter that shook the Culture-Sweden”

“Carl-Michael Edenborg summarizes the past year’s biggest kulturdebatter”

“the 2018 was the year when the Swedish Academy was not trusted to share out the Nobel prize in literature. The collapse in the stock exchange were as attention-grabbing as the extract – but it was not the only thing that filled the newspapers. “

“This is a kulturartikel which is a part of Aftonbladet’s opinionsjournalistik.”

” 1. Transdebatt with brösttoner”

“Kajsa Ekis Ekman to pull out of the hiva on with the maul and bring the fury. It seems to be her livsvatten. She is safely anchored in second-wave feminism, that of a part can be seen as pure the 1900s, now that we are in the fourth or fifth wave. When she is in the beginning of the year in an article in the Aftonbladet newspaper, questioned transfrågans domination, and how, in her eyes undermined the feminist revolution, all hell broke loose, of course.”

“the Feminism question ”What is a woman” came to a head in the debate about the trans. Könsåterställande operations and hormones, could be linked to look-fixed plastic surgery and dismissed as an expression of essentialism, while others, including the expresident Obama, believes that it is the crest of individual freedom. “

“In an extremely female and transkvinnodriven debate in all of the country’s media ältades Ekman’s article with high emotional progressions. In the midst of it all came a quite amazing text of molekylärbiologen Henrik Brändén, who defended the transrörelsens claims from a biological perspective, including the unforgettable words on the reflexbågar that drives us to ”juckau002Fbestiga the respective arch your back”. “

“It was in all cases all I remember of the debate afterwards. “

“2. The boiling huskvinnan”

“the Question what is a real woman also appeared from a completely unexpected perspective in a great article in Today’s News in October, where Greta Thurfjell confessed their metaironiska attraction to conservative gender roles. “

“What the hell she actually wanted to have said remains to be determined, it was very much about what the 90-talisterna (in Stockholm?) think is cool and not in a time that is övermätt of self-evident moral truths.”

“Perhaps an interesting topic and the reactions it attracted, of course, among both kulturrävar, proffsfeminister young influencers, this year’s is rightly the most despised new profession. “

“the Debate limped, however, because it was so unclear what Thurfjell wanted to say. The message seems to have boiled down to the jokes that worked at parties she visits. “

“be ”huskvinnan” is considered to be the year ”to boil soup on a nail”-debate.”

“To reduce the history of the Swedish Academy, the inglorious collapse in the spring of 2018 for a day is not possible. Stötvågorna walked several laps around the earth when an organization as a previously set duty of confidentiality so high suddenly laid bare and exposed. This will late be forgotten, it is tranquil to say that history was written before our very eyes.”

“Members of the board resigned, so many that for a while was uncertain if it was even possible to continue. His Majesty the King intervened and proved to suddenly not be as powerless as it has always been said. “

“Two occasional events shines out: First, the decision to set this year’s nobel Prize in literature, and the accompanying, attention-grabbing invalet of some halvledamöter to be included in the work to determine the award winner for the fall of 2019. “

“The judges during the autumn, against his display trigger: Jean-Claude Arnault, formerly referred to as the ”kulturprofilen” with their cuts to the Academy by his wife, the honourable member Miller. The stockholm district court sentenced him to two years in prison for a case of rape, the court of appeal sentenced him for the two cases, and tightened to two-and-a-half years. “

“So much for the ”gentlemannamässighet” as Arnault förundransvärt stubbornly hailed for the of the year probably without competition, the most reviled cultural personality: the ex-secretary Horace Engdahl, who have been subjected to a high-intensity and affekterat mediedrev and nätmobbande.”

“4. Hot debate on Mr. Cool”

“In the informal contest about who has been in 2018, the most hated cultural personality is probably the comedian and the musician Anton ”Mr. Cool” Magnusson to end up in a clear second place. In the beginning of the summer was something unexpected: a three-year-old, rough skämtlåt by him, with the guest performances of the Swedish ”raw comedy”-veteran Simon Gärdenfors, ended up on the Spotify top list. “

“It happens not often that the old news becomes new.”

“Reason: the song is called and is about to Fuck children. Many seemed to believe that Magnusson, who in private life seems to be a pretty neat family man, would be a pedophile and seriously defend the abuse. “

“the Debates about the sense of humor is always difficult, especially because the humor often is based on to twist and turn the taboos and shame. The self lacks a sense of humor will never understand the joke.”

“But when the anonymous näthatarna stood in thousands on the queue with murder – and våldtäktshot caught the laughter in her throat.”

“5. The criticism of the criticism”

“the last big kulturkrakel was to deal with criticism. It started with a couple of articles on what after all remains the cultural hegemonins node: DN Culture. Malin Ullgren wrote about the August prize, the national major litteraturhändelsen, perhaps extra attention this year because of the cancellation of the Nobel prize.”

“She was critical of the nominations and mentioned, in particular, a few writers she thought should have been. In a major article on the critique increasing boredom and need of renewal, mentioned Aftonbladet Kristofer Andersson to Ullgren basically the only listed author that is given out by her own newspaper owners: Bonniers. Ullgren immediately responded and defended their critical neutrality. Then hooked the old criticism – and Augustprisjuryrävar as Annina Rabe and Mikael van Reis on. This is the debate that my own review in this magazine in February, of how the number of litteraturrecensioner greatly reduced in the Swedish riksmedier the last ten years, should have given rise to. “

“For once, we got a good old fashioned day held at the public arena in the first place, and not carried by the social media heated pseudooffentlighet. That is to say, with texts longer than 280 characters, with at least a few hours or maybe days of reflection and without the immediate idiotförklaringar of the opponents.”

“Perhaps there is hope for the intellectuals anyway.”