“looking for: where do you work these idiots?”. So starts the new provocative political-artistic of a well-known collective of German, which aims to uncover the neo-nazis who roamed the streets of East Germany in search of aliens. The Center for Beauty Policy (ZPS by its acronym in German), presented on Monday in Berlin its annual action consists in a sort of pillory, digital, for the preparation of which claim to have investigated three million images belonging supposedly to 7,000 people suspected of having participated in the marches of right-wing Chemnitz. Again this is a project halfway between art, satire and politics, that within a few hours of his birth already provoked reactions angry on the part of the press and of the internet users.

On the web soko-chemnitz.de you can see some of the supposed faces extremists under the is offers a reward for anyone who identifies them. The ZPS calls for citizen collaboration to draw the profile of those involved and especially for contact with the work centers of the ultras and appeal to the social responsibility of employers. “Report to your work colleagues, neighbors or acquaintances and copper money on the fly”, is provided from the portal. “We want to end the anonymity of the extreme right in Germany”, assure on the web. The latest official figures indicate that by the end of 2017 had to 24,000 supporters of the extreme right in Germany. Of them, 12.700 are considered violent.


The policy can also be beautiful The East German revolts against Merkel

Phillip Ruch, the soul of the collective explained in a press conference in Berlin that he considered its intervention necessary because “Chemnitz became in the summer a turning point for Germany, but Betsmove now the policy is in a phase of denial.” The artistic group includes on the one hand, the distinguished members of the extremist movement German, among them members of Alternative for Germany (Afd), the party which a year ago entered for the first time in the Parliament with nearly a hundred seats. Party members participated in one of the marches of Chemnitz, headed by Bjorn Hoecke, maximum representative of the tough wing of the Afd, that was precisely the target of an action in the past year the center beauty policy. The activists installed a replica of the monument to the Holocaust in front of the garden house Hoecke, to protest against its rhetoric, with which in the past bordered denial of the holocaust.

But alongside the more familiar faces, appear supposedly identified other 1524mm ultras and even offers rewards who help to identify them. It is not clear to what extent the activists have used identities real or to what extent the initiative conforms to the law. What is certain is that the action does not cease to be a satire, reminiscent of similar platforms, such as the Afd installed so that school students could report anonymously to teachers who criticize the extremists. The German press has received with distrust and criticism of the initiative of the ZPS, which, according to for example the Süddeutsche Zeitung, “confirms the logic of exclusion and intimidation against the purportedly addressed”.

it Was late August when a German citizen was stabbed to death allegedly by foreigners in Chemnitz, east of Germany, and where the extreme right the more violent he displayed a growing assertiveness on the streets. The murder gave rise to a series of demonstrations by right-wing that they were able to see hitler salutations to the cry of “we are the people” and intimidated journalists who were covering them. Those episodes culminated with the dismissal of the head of the secret service, internal German, that relative of extremist violence and led to an acute internal political crisis in the Executive of Berlin.